So, what's the way to escape?
It's simple, love your life. Put yourself, all your attention, all your attention on the reality in which you live. Always keep in mind, fully aware of the events in your life. Immerse yourself in everything you do and bless every moment you spend living. You're very lucky to live! Only when you will love your life to the fullest, will your soul being feel you and want to come and be with you. Because then your soul will know how glorified life on earth is and this great joy will attract you. Once you join, you're free.
He is right to say that many times we act under an explosion of mixed feelings, always acting out of ignorance, because if I am fully convinced of what my mission is here, I will certainly not want to leave it, if I feel that I am blessed by my life, I am sure that I will not have the intention to leave, I love my life and I enjoy it, I hope I am on the right track.