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RE: The Mandela Effect - Is Our Reality Being Altered?

in #reality7 years ago

Did you ever the carpool karaoke bit with James Corden, George Clooney, Gewn Stefani, and Julia Roberts... they were all just waiting for it...

I got another one for you...
Ever heard of Svalbard? I heard about it once as a kid, when reading The Golden Compass. It sounded like cool place in the book, so like any kid that wants to visit a cool place they read about in a book, I went looking to see if it was actually real. Sadly, after extensive research in my local library (any finally asking my geography teacher), I discovered it was indeed a fictional place. I was heartbroken, but I learned a lot about the geography in that area and how an atlas works in the process, so not a total loss.

But wait! I start hearing about this effect and people start talking about geography... and then there's Svalbard! Funny thing, in this book, Svalbard is the place were people started finding windows to other dimensions. And by the second book, those windows seem to be all over the place.

Not that it means anything... And not many people talk about Svalbard in this context (may not even be an effect for anyone else)... I just find it an interesting synchronicity. This book could have been about anything... but instead it features dimensional windows in its world-building.

It's all very fascinating. ^_^


Yes, this one always freaks me out!! Literally everyone I know remembers the "of the world" part and it just doesn't exist? Scary!