
Can they sue the zionists who actually did it?

This is the right question!!!

Shouldn't they be suing the Deep State members of our Government too!!!

There isn't hard evidence in the public record that affirms US government involvement in the attack, and any such documentary evidence would most definitely be classified. However, those 28 pages, some of which have been de-classified, are clear evidence of Saudi Arabia's involvement. That's the difference.

I hope so, keep getting the truth out..

I still think the 28 pages were a plan 'B' for when the truth started to get sniffed out. Controlled opposition is HUGE lately, and the 28 pages are just that. We'll see how this pans out. Remember whichever contracting firm were in the towers days before the attack weren't hired by the Saudi's. That we do know. Pretty sure if we keep digging, more gold will be found. ;) Good stuff Ben!

Cant get pass the 43sec mark with out frezzing

So download it all and play it later.

Yeah, it's not hard to deal with. Ben Swann still posts most of his stuff on YouTube too if anyone has an irrational aversion to DTube:

Like it not working...

The helmet doesn't work unless you wear it on your head.

Dtube is really bad and this video will not play

in time will get better....same could be said of youtube over 10 yrs ago with all the problems it had

Hey! Guy , ever since I located you through @cryptotoctopus , I have been enjoying your music , but today , I try to play it via dtube as usual but I am finding it difficult .I guest may be my network is not strong enough

Ben Swann is an independent investigative journalist. This video is not music at all, and I find it strange that you seem to think it is.

I agree that we'll never see these documents in their entirety. Just look at how "they've" been able to avoid releasing the J.F.K. documents for how many years now? None of "them" will ever let the truth see the light of day.

Yeah! And Iraqis can sue the United States for killing millions because of 9/11.

Afghan's bro. Iraq was 1992. I see your point tho. I think Obama said the same thing. ;)

There's just WAY too many unanswered questions and mysteries surrounding the 9/11 event. Building imploded...really?!

The truth of this conspiracy will likely never be divulged and we'll be left with theories galore.

To make us "safe", we've lost 'entirely' our Rights to privacy, due process of law, and hampered our freedom of travel.

All to take eyes of the ZIONIST ISRAELI mob who did the job , and continue to terrorize the planet today ❗️DISTRACTIONS . You’ll never find truth in the EMPIRE of LIES ❗️