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RE: Updates: New changes to the RealityHubs SCOT settings

in #realityhubs6 years ago

Another thing worth considering would be to force people to post through the realityhubs website.

While I understand that won't solve abuse, it definitely does position the token better because I am yet to discover why any investor would care about a token if everything is rewarded also in 17 different coins.

And, of course, it will also help with Google and potential advertising network approval if you can achieve canonical status.

Worry not, people who believe in RHB will make the effort. People who care only about a quick dump token... they will move on and while that may slightly hurt your initial momentum, in the long run it can only help you and their leaving should be celebrated. Yeah, a midterm biz-minded focus should often supercede a knee-jerk. Especially since nominal token value should be of zero meaning right now anyway. Way too early to estimate any actual value.

With so many [product name review] titles and long-form posts you should absolutely focus on organic Google traffic and the pure amount of daily new content will massively help with that.