Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Good evening everyone, tonight I will give tips to friends about how we can improve our hearts.
As human beings, in our social life we are certainly very sensitive to problems that occur in the surrounding environment, but sometimes the heart feels always want to blame one another and always feels that we are right and always assume that we are the ones who never make mistakes.
Actually we have to eliminate such qualities, because they can damage our heart, where the heart is the leader of all members of the body.
But there are some things that must be considered to improve the heart, the first is to eliminate the arrogant nature that is in our hearts, and we must always be in a holy state that is awake our limbs with ablution water.
Then we have to smile and greet with fellow people, always make friends with the Koran and always wake up in the middle of the night to pray the midnight prayer, because everything we do we have to believe that Allah has arranged everything.
In terms of improving our hearts we must also be smart in managing time, putting things in their place, smiling despite problems and being kind to God and humans.
Not only that, we also must always be grateful and always think positively in dealing with all problems.
These are just a few tips from me on how to improve myself, hopefully useful for all friends. Wassalam
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