Contest: Reviewing A Quote #1 Entry

in #realityhubs6 years ago (edited)

"Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you"

Already one of the most interesting statements that inspired me and had an impact in my life
You have to pay yourself and promise to wait for others


You complain from person to person
I was bored when I couldn't find help from anyone
It was just my thought that all this world and humans were just mocking me
They should rejoice for my joy and grieve for my sorrow
They roll up their forearms just to help me


All this was only inspired by the imagination of innocence and naive childhood
I think I read the statement once "Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you" and did not pay any attention
But then it was different
I started scrutinizing and found that the talk was right
I did not remember the author of the statement as much as I remember my impression and my thinking completely changed
And you always say with her the French saying "This is life."

Why you have to push yourself forward

If we think about humans and divide them into two parts
Department loves good and section loves evil
Evil section as we are used not to wait for him to push you forward
Simply because he will try to push you back
The good section probably won't push you back
But as they say everyone has their own lamb and troubles

You have the right not to make yourself a home of despair

Despair, when the human psyche is controlled, the individual feels lost and frustrated. , Let despair nest in himself, which tires a lot and lose his strength, here lies the need to renew hope in the soul and revive it as a flowering spring.

Self-motivation: An essential element of working more effectively is enthusiasm. But there are many unexpected situations in our daily lives that make us desperate and frustrated for a few moments.

This is very common in people's lives. Especially if you are working on your own account and at home, the feeling of loss of enthusiasm may be the beginning of many mistakes and retreat during the course of business.

So it is very important to know how to motivate yourself automatically. Controlling our thoughts and knowing how to act when we lose enthusiasm can help us to improve many situations.

Regardless of external factors, it is important to learn to motivate yourself to achieve the most positive results possible.

We know that the career may go through many tremors and challenges, but you do not have to give up and retreat in front of the first difficulties in your way.

In the end

If you wait for someone to help you
There is a probability of two
But no one comes to you
Either you come late
In both cases I lost the most precious treasure on earth which is the "time"

I hope that the saying inspired you too

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Posted on RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers

This is an interesting review. I used to post inspirational quotes on one of my blog sites, but it's unfortunate that time won't let me continue with it. Thanks for contributing to the realityhubs community.Hello there @steemit-earn1!

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[RealityHubs Moderator]

Posted on RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers

An powerful quote. Thats true. Just yourself that can help you to became successful person.

Thanks for your contribution. Good luck.


[Realityhubs Curator]

Posted on RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers