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RE: The UK is a cesspit, and I am glad I left!

in #realnews7 years ago

We are well past that point, they want the public to get violent with each other, all gov knows how to deal with is violence, and yes they will bring in more laws to keep brits safe from each other, they have already armed the police in the UK with false flags, the end game is near, we have not woke enough up I fear.


I am afraid you are right. Nothing happens by accident in politics. It was all planned a long time ago. Militarization of police, executive orders for new martial law measures, FEMA bought tons of ammunition and coffins. The mask is falling...

dammit how do we get them to let us buy or refill vote power, as I would be full on 100% upboating this thread.

JESUS! Did you know this??? The Queen is related to Mohammed! That clears up a lot...

Now go and find who put the Saudi royals into place, and who the Saudi royals really are, and I will tell you what they are not, and this is Muslims or Saudis.

I know! That's why I thought it is fascinating to know that the Queen is related to Mohammed. It's one big f@cked up family. All of them.