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RE: Real Talk #2 - The Pain Of Loving A Toxic Parent

in #realtalk6 years ago (edited)

I've tried talking to them about it, but they hardly ever want to sit down and genuinely try to understand and resolve the issue. Like @himalayannomad said, their ego is a bigger priority for them. They don't wanna be told of what they are doing wrong because it makes them feel threatened and reveals their own insecurities.

I feel bad for saying these things about my own parents. I feel like I'm being a bad son for revealing all this personal stuff even though I know it's important and beneficial in the long-run.

And about the counseling part, it's not a developed profession where I live and it's not worth the cost from what I've heard. But I'm trying to be my own therapist though. I have these little techniques that I use to balance out my feelings when they get too overwhelming and making myself more emotionally intelligent by studying about human emotions and how you get to choose what your feelings mean and all that stuff.

Thanks for the advice :)