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RE: Real Talk #2 - The Pain Of Loving A Toxic Parent

in #realtalk6 years ago

Some parents really do need to learn how to be better parents by actually learning about it because like I said, parenting is a skill and it needs to be learned and practiced.

I don't disagree. It is a skill. I held a grudge against my parents for a long time. After a while, I learned they simply didn't know how to go about certain things. They didn't have the resources available to them, and it wasn't all their fault. A religious environment that made it difficult for them to understand their parental responsibilities before they jumped into them gave them little support. Looking back, today, they'd tell you they did some things wrong, but they love their children. Always have.

Lack of resources gets a lot of people, and they don't necessarily know they lack the resources. That's why forgiveness is so important.


That makes a lot of sense. I guess what the new parents of today can learn from this is that they should try to plan out things before they start having kids. It's much more safer that way when you know what resources you already have, and the ones you are missing.

People back in the days, especially where I live, didn't think it through, at all. They just went ahead and had children because of their parents' pressure of wanting grandkids. Parenting today, needs to be and should be a lot more systematic and creative because the same strategies that worked out before, don't workout anymore.

Totally. People should think about it first, and plan it. I agree with that. We live in a tough world. It's getting more crowded, the complexities keep mounting, and who knows what the economy will do from year to the next? Planning is very important. Parents should learn as much as they can about the potential challenges before they have children.