SUPER SIMPLE SERIES: No Thermometer Overnight Yogurt

in #recipe7 years ago


Back before I realized I was a crunchy mom, I had a secret desire to make my own yogurt due to my penny-pinching nature, but I was completely intimidated by how finicky the culture seemed to be. Other moms told me how they made it in their super fancy temperature-controlled yogurt maker, and even then they had flops.

Well, I’m here to tell you there’s an easier way—no yogurt maker required…and you can make it right in the yogurt container you bought from the store. BRILLIANT.


What you need to get started:

  1. A few spoonfuls of live yogurt starter left in your container (no more than ¼ cup)
  2. Enough milk to fill your yogurt container (4 cups) (not ultra-pasturized)
  3. A whisk and a pot to heat the milk


Super Simple Steps:

  1. Heat milk on stove until a little frothy, but not quite boiling (see pic below).
  2. Cool culture quickly by placing it in ice cold water in the sink till about body temperature.
  3. Whisk a little cooled milk into the yogurt leftovers in your container
  4. Whisk in rest of milk and put the lid on it.
  5. Place somewhere warm in your house with a towel over it (90 degrees would be ideal).
  6. Check culture after it’s sat about 12 hours, or overnight.
  7. Enjoy!


Quick Tips

I’m glad to let you in on the secret of just how easy it is to make yogurt at home. Hope you try it out! Just a quick note that after making it a few times you may have to purchase a small container of fresh yogurt to liven up the culture. It seems to do best the first time around. And, if you want traditional Greek yogurt, remember you’ll have to strain it, which removes the excess whey and creates a thicker, creamer end product.


Happy culturing! @allforthegood



The first sentence is my favorite hahaha. Happy hardforking!

Very wonderful recipe, great concept, loving it.A great talent you got there in the art of food

do check my blog @kenhudoy... sent a wonderful family short story that might tickle your fancy

Mine too.

The instructions look easy enough that I might even find the courage to try this myself. 🙂

I hope you do! It's quite satisfying to wake up to that thick, creamy transformed milk :)

Love it! Just the way @mama-pepper used to make it! LOL! Thanks!

Great minds think alike!

Love making homemade yogurt. :-)

Hi @allforthegood, this is a great post - really makes it look easy. I'm going to give it a go. I've included this post in my Pick of the Week homesteading and prepping posts - hope that is okay.

Thank you so much for that! I love your idea of summarizing what you found to be great posts by category. Just followed you-- I look forward to reading your blog.

Thank you

I love your way of making this.

Thank you. If there's an easier way to do healthy tasks, I'm on it :)