Dear Steemians...
today I'd like to give you another vegetarian recipe , a speciality from Kudus, the city I once lived for at least 4 years in Indonesia. You can also make it vegan if you skip the egg.
The dish is called "Tahu telur" or often also called "Lontong tahu telur" as it's eaten with lontong, a compressed rice cake wrapped with banana leaf.
Since banana leaf is rather expensive here in Europe and my banana tree is dead (It has already survived 2 winter but somehow this summer it just doesn't sprout again), so now I can only enjoy it with steamed rice.
One can also cook lontong using plastic wrap, but I just don't like it.
Lontong in plastic wrap doesn't really taste as good anyway, so I rather not do it.
This dish would often also served with "Gimbal Udang" = shrimp fritters. In Andalusia there is also a similar one with "Gimbal udang", it's called "Tortillitas de Camarones".
The only difference is just that the Andalusian one would use batter of wheat flour; chickpea flour; water; onion (alternatively shallot or scallion); parsley; shrimp; salt and pepper, whereas "Gimbal Udang" would use batter of wheat flour; rice flour; water/coconut milk; garlic; spring onion/chives; salt and either pepper or coriander.
Both taste wondeful. ^_^
However yesterday I just had no shrimp and rather lazy too to make the shrimp fritters, so I just decided to make this a vegetarian menu. :-D
These are the ingredients needed for the recipe:
- a block of tofu, diced
- 1-2 eggs (optional)
- 100 g roast peanut
- 3 cloves garlic
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2 tsp lime juice
- 50 ml hot water
- chili (optional)
- 3-4 tbsp sweet soy sauce
-chopped celery for garnish
-shredded cabbage or soya bean sprouts (raw)
- petis udang = shrimp paste (optional)
If you're neither vegan nor vegetarian, you can buy "petis udang" at amazon. It looks like this:

1. Stir well 2 eggs in a bowl as if you want to make an omelette out of them, then put the diced tofu in the bowl and mix them slowly to make sure that the diced tofu are not damaged. Then fry the diced tofu and the eggs together.
2. Grind well the garlic, salt, chili (and perhaps 'petis udang') and then crush the roast peanuts using mortar. The peanuts need not to be ground thoroughly, a little bit rough/coarse is fine. It's best if you can still have the crunchy texture, that's why in this case using mortar is better than food processor.
3. Add the sweet soy sauce, pour the hot water and lime juice in the mixture. Now the peanut sauce is ready and can be mixed with the fried tofu and eggs.
If you don't have sweet soy sauce, you can replace it with normal dark soy sauce and add 2 tbsp of molasses or 50 g of palm sugar.
4. Scoop some rice and put it on the plate. Arrange the fried tofu with eggs on the rice plate, garnish it with cabbage and chopped celery then pour some peanut sauce on it.
I feel that 1 chili wasn't tasty enough for me so I add some chopped rawit chilis for my own portion. ^_^
Since I had no shrimp fritters so I served it with "kerupuk udang" (shrimp chip) instead.
It's very simple, isn't it? It doesn't take much time to cook it either.
Have a nice try and hope you would like the taste as well. My hubby likes it a lot. ;-)
Thanks in advance for your upvote!

Oh, das sieht echt super lecker aus! Mit Erdnüssen <3
Komm... probier mal hahaha.
This dish looks yummy! The peanut sauce makes the fried tofu and eggs look so good. The cabbages, the chopped celery and the chili make the dish look fresh. Good combination!
Looking into your link, I found out that the “lontong” is interesting with the banana leaf. It’s unfortunate that your banana tree is dead now. Hope you can find a new one in future.
Thanks so much for sharing your recipe. ;)
p.s. It’s great that you have mortar in cooking process. For me, I like to cook chilies paste in it, too.
Yeah... It tastes differently using mortar and food processor. The heat caused by rotation of the blades could changed the chemical substance composition. That's why I prefer using mortar than food processor if I only cook only for my little family anyway.
It's different if I cook for more person, for example when I prepare a party, food processor is naturally a big help. :)
By the way @tangmo, are you in Bangkok or near there? Which part of Thailand would you suggest me in case we travel there?
I totally agree with you regarding mortar.
I’m very glad to hear that you plan to travel to Thailand. When will you expect the visit?
There are various places that I would like to recommend for you…
If you love sea, I suggest Pattaya that is not far away from Bangkok or Phuket that is situated in the South of Thailand.
If you love mountains, I suggest Chiengmai, in the North of Thailand.
If you love historical site, I suggest Ayutthaya that is very near Bangkok.
In Bangkok, you may visit Wat Phra Kaew or Temple of the Emerald Buddha or you may go for shopping at many large shopping malls here.
You are all welcome to Bangkok.
p.s. I live in Nonthaburi that is next to Bangkok and would love to meet you all. ;)
Ein weiteres Rezept für die Sammlung, danke :-)
Ich bin keine leidenschaftliche Köchin, die gerne stundenlang am Herd steht. Daher sind deine Rezepte, die schnell und einfach nachzukochen sind, sehr willkommen!
Ich würde beim Kochen auch keine Plastikfolie verwenden.
Ich wünsche dir viel Erfolg. :)
Ja, auch wenn das Plastik zum Kochen geeignet ist, ist es nicht so gesund... nicht umweltfreundlich und schmeckt auch nicht gut.
It looks really very delicious and wonderful! You had a mortar like me, too! Awesome kitchen! I really want to cook this dish very much, I think it's very yummy. Resteemed it on my blog already. Thank you so much for your great recipe, too! ;)
I hope you would find it tasty too after you tried :).
I think a mortar is better than electronic food processor. I only use the later if I cook for many person, for a party for example.
oh ja liebe @kobold-djawa, das habe ich auch so in Erinnerung, habe ich es damals auf Bali gegessen. Mir persönlich schmeckt die Soße mit dem Tofu sehr gut. Auch kannte ich davor nur 2 Reis Sorten, aber danach wusste ich dass es viel viel mehr Sorten gibt, als ich jemals gedacht habe. Die Schärfe beim Essen ist für mich immer gerne willkommen, da kann ich Scharf essen wie noch was :-))) Leckere Teller hast du gezaubert
Es sieht so aus, dass du viele Sorten von heimischen Essen bereits ausprobiert hast, schön. :)
Das ist gut finde ich. Es wäre schade, wenn man schon tausenden Kilometer verreist nur um ständig das Gericht von zu Hause zu essen, das bestimmt auch leckerer und sogar günstiger im eigenen Land ist.
Kartoffelsalat in Indonesien und im Saarland ist auf keinem Fall vergleichbar, also würde ich lieber in Indonesien "Pecel sayur" oder "Urap" essen hahaha.
It sounds delicious!
Thank you for sharing this step by step recipe! Very simple to cook after and good pictures!
I really love rice dishes and tofu as well! We used to cook seasonal and local menues, but sometimes i make an exception and the next time it will be your posted dish! Thanks for inspiring!
Best regards out of the van
You're welcome Sarah. :)
Sometimes we could always try out something new.
Ich habe noch nicht zu Mittag gegessen - also ich könnte jetzt direkt zulangen...
Besonders auf dem 2. Bild von unten sieht das Gericht ultra-lecker aus!
Danke... ich hoffe das hat dir gut geschmeckt, falls du es bereits ausprobiert hättest.
Aduhh..lhat masakanmu Jeng...bikin aku kangen Yogyakarta, waktu kuliah di sana sering banget aku makan nasi ini. Uenak tenan! Makasih telah hadirkan rindu utkku ya Jeng. Salam utk keluarga dsna dan tetap berbahagia. Salam dari kami di Aceh.
Hahaha, setidaknya di sana bumbu-bumbunya tetep gampang didapat dan murah meriah.
Salam kembali dari sini... Selamat ber hari raya, Eid Mubarak.
super Rezept, vielen Dank dafür. Ich glaube das kochen wir mal nach. Sieht wirklich mega lecker aus! 😋
Das freut mich. Viel Spaß beim nach kochen.
Peanut sauce with sweet soy sauce is very helpful to make simple food so delicious and easy to serve. As is the case with "Sambal Balado", just add to the main ingredients.
Thanks for the recipe @kobold-djawa :)
You're welcome :)
I love Asian food especially when they have a peanut sauce. So good. Will give this one a try. Thanks for sharing.
Sayang di sana sulit daun pisang ya mbak? Seandainya lontong direbus dengan balutan daun pisang, tentu aroma dan rasa lontong lebih nikmat di lidah. Tp cocok juga diganti nasi putih.
Ini makanan tinggi protein, Krn bahan utamanya tahu dan lontong. Dapat menjaga keseimbangan kondisi tubuh...👍
Saya sering minta dibikini makanan serupa oleh istri saya😄
Komposisi nya: tahu goreng diiris2, toge, telur, sambal kacang, dan lontong. Kalo telur harus dua biji, krn kuning telurnya akan saya aduk alus bersama kuah kacang...
Ini makan spesial saya juga mbak...
banyak khasiat 💪💪
Sulit sih enggak, ada kok yang jual, tapi kan mahal. Sayang ah belanjanya cuma buat bungkus doang.
Mana bungkus lontong kalau nggak ahli kan bisa pecah2, kalau daunnya mahal jadi sayang kebuang-buang.
Boleh nih mb sy coba resepnya wat menu buka puasa,,liatnya jd ngiler😋
Selamat berbuka kalau gitu... kalau malas mah di sono gampang, tinggal panggil abang-abang hahaha.
Bener ya mb...bang 1 porsi ga pake lama😂
Mantap bgt tuh mba makanannya,, 😋 tahu termasuk makanan yg enak dan murah meriah tp kl kt bisa mengolah nya jd keliatan makanan yang mewah.. 😍
Asal mau angkat pantat ke dapur sih sebenarnya semua bisa dipelajari hehehe. Saya dulu di Indonesia ngga pernah diajari masak ibuk, tinggal makan aja hehe.
Setelah ngekos juga jarang ada minat belajar masak, soalnya beli murah meriah enak.
Baru disini saya rajin masak.
Bener mba asal mau angkat pantat.. 😄
Kl udh jd seorang ibu mau ga mau emk hrs rajin masak mba demi anak tercinta.. 😊
This looks great, lots of protein and it is just mouth-watering!
Lontong Tahu Eggs, hmmm, ... does not seem friendly to hard-line vegans because there are still eggs added with "Petis Udang". However, the food is very typical of Indonesia. I was reminded when I visited Surabaya a few months ago. A friend gave a souvenir of Petis Udang.
This post makes saliva dripping @kobold-djawa....
Did you read it thoroughly? If you did, you should have noticed that those two ingredients are optional.
If you want to make it vegan/vegetarian, just leave them.
The taste wouldn't be much different.
The most simple recipe commonly cooked by the common folks on the villages are the vegan style, without eggs nor shrimp paste.
Egg and shrimp paste are special variant you got or at the "warung" or restaurant to give more options for the customers... Indonesians are creative in creating new variant of recipe out of one particular famous recipe, in order to spoil the tongue and finally to invite more curious customers.
This is basically only one variant of this.
Wah ini cukup enak nasinya, terimakasih Kakak sudah berbagi resep nya,di tempat kami di sini sedang berpuasa, melihat nasi yang kakak postingkan ini menjadi lapar.
Sukses selalu untuk mu ya Kak.
Tahu telur Woah sound would be awesome. Food also be delicious. Best introduction recipe of another Indonesian food. If remove egg we can use like as vegan. It's best opportunity. Thanks @kobold-djawa.
Wow it's another yummy recepi! Its looking very testy and healthy . I like your recepi and get some different types that i didn't test before .Last time i got your two recepies and i made this that was really testy. I think today's recepie will be also testy .Thanks to share.
Wow! Delicious vegetarian food.
I really love to prefer vegetarian dishes. This looks so amazing and awesome @kobold-djawa.
if you get free time please have a look at my post☺💙
Thanks for sharing this post.
will do :)
Wow makanan yang luar biasa enak. Andai saja bukan di bulan Ramadhan pasti sudah saya minta untuk mencicipi nya haha.. lezat sekali
Nanti pas buka bikin dong. :)
in indonesia just "sahur" but you have sent something that really makes me tempted @kobold-djawa.. sungguh teganya teganya teganya..
Hahaha... that's the disadvantage of having internet... there is no too late at "night" or too early at "morning" because you can basically experiencing both on the net.
That's experienced cookery class who teach by @kobold-djawa. Looking very tasty foods. Images increase my eat passion. Very easily making and useful easy instructions.
Have a nice try, if you decide to try it out :)
After see final production my mouth start watering. That's really interesting tutorial giving for make Indonesian food. Rice with tofu, eggs and vegetables showered with peanut sauce after everything included there, can eat massive tasty food. But I think it's not enough me. Need more prepare. Thanks for you @kobold-djawa.
Very nice food, I always like your veg recipe . Becoz i am vegetation .
Yummy yummy food!!😋😋😋
Nice recipe and I will absolutely try it.
I love vegetarian foods.
Thanks for sharing @kobold-djawa.
Upvoted & resteemed your post.
Memang masakah indonesia sangat khas, bahan yang sederhana pun, menjadikan hasil masakan yang luar biasa.. I love indonesia.
Those are just my type of food! I love customizable bowls! Especially with all the dietary restrictions innmy family! And as much as I've tried, I just do not like cucumber, so I love the idea of subbing in Zukes! Genius!
And coconut aminos are a staple around here! So good!
Awesome @kobold-djawa creation!
Thanks, but which cucumber did you mean? There is no cucumber in this dish. Did you really read the post thoroughly ;-)?
masakan ini sederhana namun rasanya sungguh nikmat
Murah meriah.
yup betul sekali mbk, murah meriah tapi rasanya sungguh nikmat
wow .
looks very testy. I will try also ...
Looks delicious. Thanks for sharing
Recipe is good , but if we add eggs then how it would be veg recipe ?
Vegetarians normally still eat egg, it's vegans who don't eat anything comess from animals.
However, if you read my article thoroughly, you would definitely notice that I have already explained that egg as well as shrimp paste are optional.
So if you want to make it vegan, you can just skip those ingredients.
It would still taste as delicious.
Shrimp paste and eggs are not significant ingredients, it's only there for variety offered by the hawkers on the street or loved by people who are relatively wealthy.
Vegetarian foods are in general eaten by the poor people in our country because protein source from animal is too expensive for daily consumption.
So if you come to the villages, this food would normally be cooked without animal protein.
However I am not a vegetarian or vegan by ideology so I can always make my own combination depend on my mood. But most of my dishes could always be made for vegetarian or completely suitable for vegans without giving a significant change in taste.
looking very yammy and testy food recipe. thanks for sharing
Wow this looks so good! I am definitely going to try making it. Thanks for sharing :)
This looks delicious. 😊