Prepare a very quick and delicious breakfast can be easy and simple. We clean potatoes and regimen it with straws or circles.
Then heat the pan and pour in a little vegetable oil.
Then pour the sliced potatoes into a frying pan, salt and fry for 10 minutes.
Then take an onion, cut it in half rings and add to potatoes, and a little more frying.
We take the sausage boiled, cut as you like and add it to the frying pan and cook until cooked.
All our fast and nutritious breakfast is ready
Fried potatoes can be sprinkled with sliced greens and served with pickled vegetables. In my case, it's salty, crispy cucumbers. Bon Appetit!

i would add pickles too! yum! 👍
I just like salted and crispy cucumbers, hrum - hrum))

Exactly, still and how delicious))
Good breakfast! Surely give you energy!