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1-2 cups of white rice.
Thank you for read.
If you want a rice that allows you to eat it and that your mouth has a taste of mints, then you came to the right place my dear friend.
2.-4 cups of chicken consommé.
3.-1 package of chopped chives.
4.-10 basil leaves.
5.-1/2 cup chopped parsley.
6.-1 salt cucaharada.
7.-2 tablespoons of salt.
8.-2 tablespoons of oil.
Make a tasty chicken consommé.
Chop the scallions (the white and green part). Put them in two tablespoons of butter, make the rice in a pot: for two cups of rice, add four cups of chicken broth, two tablespoons of oil and the stir-fry of the scallions, simmer. When ready, add half a cup of rice, add half a cup of chopped parsley and chopped basil leaves, serve to accompany fish, chicken or meat, it is a very aromatic rice.

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hola... muchas gracias por ayudarme amigo, de corazon.... esa informacion no la sabia :)