Make a Seafood Fried Rice (Original)

in #recipe8 years ago


Hello all.
Comeback with me @mamenk ( Impromptu chef). Today I will share cooking recipes seafood fried rice,evening we hungry do not need to bother going out to buy fried rice, we could cook his own with supplies se their.

Ingredients :
Soy sauce
Carrots (diced)
Red onion
Beaten egg




First as always sauteed onions and ingredients such as carrots, leeks  



Input beaten eggs and stir stir unite


Shrimp input mix and stir until blended


Input flavoring chicken


Input leek and celery


Input chilli sauce


Input rice


mix well then give them perfect sauce


Stir until evenly and lightly browned, seafood fried rice prepared in serve and enjoy



Thus today's prescription may help, and you love . Stay tuned @mamenk with another recipe


@mamenk it's a good start :)

why don't you join the Steemit Culinary Challenge? and it's on till tomorrow - so there's just less than 24 hours before it closes. It will restart on Friday