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RE: Indonesian recipe for vegan and vegetarian "Oseng tempe pedas manis"

in #recipe7 years ago

What a gorgeous looking dish at kobold -djawa. You know i didnt know what Tempe was and had to google learn something new everday.I sooo know that would be tasty with the Tamarind used.I love tamarind reminds me of my childhood my mum makes chutneys even uses it in her samosa filling.Love the sweet tangy taste.Will really enhance the soy Tempe.Great dish!👍


Yes, tempe is not so popular like tofu but slowly it penetrates the market in Eurepe as well.

It is probably already in our international stores.Now i have seen it, when i go to my local store will see if it is available.You would be surprised the ingredients here in the U.K from overseas. As it is so diverse there is such a popular demand too.👍