How to make "Egg Tomato Soup"

in #recipe7 years ago

Eggs and tomatoes are easily found at hand. And any food made with tomatoes became fun. So do not delay today, prepare it quickly. Chinese food egg tomato soup.



• Tomato big three

• Onion is one of the onions

• One table spoon of oil

• Five cups of chicken stock

• Soy sauce, one tablespoon of light

• Two teaspoons of sirka or vinegar

• White pepper powder 1/4 teaspoon

• Three of the white egg in the egg

• Quantity of sugar

• Crushing, crushing

• According to salt taste

Prepare the system

Tomato in boiling water. When the thin peels burst, remove the tomatoes and scour it. Fry onion on the oil. Chicken stock, soy sauce, vinegar, peppercorns, and quantity of salt and sugar when soft and shiny. After blending, keep stirring gently for 10 minutes. Take a little bit of the white part of the egg. Slowly pour the egg white part of the soup. Do not stir Wait a minute for eggs. Blend three minutes with tomato gently to boil. After a minute, soup sugar and salt are good to see whether they are served or hot and serve hot.