If You're a housewife certainly hassle if you have to cook for the family every day. Today I cook simple meals that are easy to make, these foods are commonly found in Indonesia
How to cook it quite simple and the materials needed is readily available, although this recipe is very simple but tastes is best !
Desert Shrimp Sauce Ingredients
- Shrimp
2.Tomat - Chile
- Red Chili
- Onion
- ketchup
- pepper
- chili sauce
- Butter
- Lettuce
How to cook
- First of fried onions, peppers, lettuce, and tomato
- Roll out a small chili and red chili and enter into the first fried
- Then add enough water to make soup
- Add soy sauce and then enter the shrimp sauce
- Stir until cooked and ready to be served
Well written