My Organic Marmalade Crêpes!

in #recipes9 years ago

Hi Steemians! Today I am going to show you how to prepare my organic marmalade crêpes!


Crêpes are fun and easy to prepare, despite what many people may think. The type of flour used in crêpe batters is in general all-purpose flour (in Argentina it is denominated as ‘0000 flour’).

You will need:


15 spoons of all-purpose flour2 eggs
5 oz milk (150 cm3)2 spoons sugar
a piece of butter1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 soda water trickle1 pinch of salt
tomato marmaladetangerine marmalade


Mix the eggs together with a pinch of salt. Add one teaspoon of vanilla extract and sugar. Add one trickle of soda water and the milk. Slowly incorporate the flour and continue beating the mixture.

When your crêpes batter is ready, put it on the fridge ofr about ½ hour.
Then on a hot teflon frying pan add a piece of butter and ½ spoon of your crêpes batter. Slowly roll to cover the entire pan. After one-minute use a spatula to turn your crêpes. About a minute later your crêpe is ready. So each crêpe will take you about 1 minute per side.

There are endless possibilities for your crêpes, in my case I spread tomato and tangerine marmalade.

Now it’s your turn to prepare some delicious crêpes!

•?•? @alitas •?•?•

Check my other recipes on Steemit:
Let’s prepare a Guacamole!My Vegetable Soup
How to prepare a Squid Cazuela with waffle fries!
Hi Steemit, I'm Alejandra! Let's prepare some argentinean 'tortas fritas'

Also you may want to read:
Gyuri and Mariska (my parents)


wow that is really cool!! love it, I should try that too! I just also posted a recipe on Russian Blini :) Let me know what you think :) Alla x

Thank you @allasyummyfood ! I'm visiting your Blog to check your Russian Blini recipe ASAP!

Thank you for posting this - I always assumed crepes were tricky to prepare and one could only get them in French restaurants! Trying this out tomorrow morning!

Thank you @emmorama! Hope my recipe helps you!