Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

in #recipes7 years ago

Hi Steemians...

Last weekend I've shared Corn Flake Cherry Cookies recipes. Besides Corn Flake Cherry, kids also like chocolate chip. So today I will share the Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe. The recipe is as follows:

Ingredients :

350 grams of butter
350 grams of wheat flour
250 grams of refined sugar
4 egg yolks
1 tsp baking powder
250 grams of cashew nuts, roasted and chopped
250 grams of chocolate chip

Steps :

Prepare all ingredients.
Mix butter, refined sugar and egg yolks with the mixer.

Add the flour, baking powder, chocolate chip and cashew nuts, stir it well using the spoon

Take the dough with a spoon, place it on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven


Hai Steemian.......

Akhir pekan lalu saya sudah membagikan resep Corn Flake Cherry. Selain Corn Flake Cherry, anak-anak juga sangat suka chocolate chip. Maka hari saya akan berbagi resep Chocolate Chip. Resepnya adalah sebagai berikut :

Bahan-bahan :

350 gram mentega
350 gram tepung terigu
250 gram gula halus
4 kuning telur
1 sdt baking powder
250 gram kacang mete, digongseng dan dicincang
250 gram chocolate chip

Cara Membuatnya :

1.Siapkan semua bahan.

  1. Kocok mentega, gula halus dan kuning telur
  2. Masukkan tepung terigu, baking powder, chocolate chip dan kacang mete.
  3. Ambil adonan dengan sendok, letakkan di loyang
  4. Panggang dalam oven


Sang mangat kueh nyan bunda kue uroe raya. Pue na neu peugoet lubeh bunda.....
Padup na sikiloe.. Heheheh

Jadeh uroe raya kali nyoe . . .


Insya Allah.. :)

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Kayanya enak nih bun😋

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Very delichocho nek kata senna. Sinonim mak nyuuuus..

Delivery chocho... lebih maknyuss kalo kue-nya diantar kemari :)

Chochok itu bro

wah . . . sudah tercium aura menyambut lebaran nih, , semoga @rayfa dan seluruh sahabat steemian tetap sehat sampai menyambut lebaran nanti, amiinn