Doug Casey will try Anything! Why Not Steemit?

Hey Steemians - After reading the white paper and fully understanding the potential of Steemit, I see that what we are actually doing here is... Building a Culture on a Blockchain.

Doug Casey is one of my heroes. I want him to be part of our Esteem Culture, and I hope you do too.

One of Doug's favorite things to say is "Do what thou wilt – but be prepared to accept the consequences."

My hopes that Doug will join Steemit and start posting his content on the platform... then fall in love with the technology and the community and decide to become a Whale. I am personally going to accumulate as much Steem as I possibly can but I will never grow to be a whale. IMHO we need a few whales like Doug.

Below is the text from the email I just sent Doug. It's a little long winded. Hopefully a couple other Steemers who know Mr. Casey well, can also send him an email. Let me know if you do.

----------- email to Doug Casey -------- from Troi Bryan ----------------

Hey Doug,

You might want to join just like Jeff Berwick and Wendy McElroy did.

Steemit is a social network built on a blockchain with it's own cryptocurrency called Steem.

It was created by two awesome Voluntaryists named Ned Scott and Daniel Larimer.

Steemit's slogan is 'Blogging is the New Mining'.

Steemit is censorship proof because posts made on the steem blockchain through the Steemit website can not be deleted. Even if a gang with guns forces the Steemit website to censor a user, the data can still be found on the blockchain.

In addition... Steemit pays users to create content, curate content, and to comment in the discussion thread below blog posts.

I know that this sounds ridiculous, but how ridiculous did it sound seven short years back, that bitcoin mining rigs created value by hashing numbers?

Blogging is the New Mining. :)

A couple of respectable tech investors (Fred Wilson and Naval Ravikant) have already said positive things about Steemit.

The current market cap of Steem is $180,000,000 as listed on

There are currently over 50,000 accounts registered on Steemit and it grows at about 1000 per day.

You might want to buy a bit Steem if and when you learn about the venture. But it costs nothing to join and to try it out.

My handle on the site is @freedomengineer

Jeff Berwick just joined last week and has so far made over $30,000. His handle is @dollarvigilante - you can view all of Jeff's posts here: (the last two of his posts are satire btw)

Wendy McElroy just joined today and her handle is @wendymcelroy and her blog is here:

The best source for information about Steemit are the videos done by a young voluntaryist named Gabriel Scheare (founder of Fort Galt) who's handle is @piedpiper and who's blog / videos are here:

So what's in it for you?

  1. It's a for-profit libertarian venture that just might work.
  2. It's plum full of anarcho-capitalists
  3. you might make money from your content
  4. it's an interesting experiment
  5. there is a huge investment opportunity if Steemit displaces other social networks with it's disruptive competitive advantages....

Steemit's Disruptive Competitive Advantages

  1. zero advertising
  2. censorship resistant / can't delete off blockchain
  3. users are invested in steem and steemit / the more it grows the more money that the early adopters make.
  4. users can make money for great content and curation whereas the competition pays zero
  5. users are incentivized to share content on other networks to make Steemit viral

Let me know if you have time for a conversation where I can walk you through the setup process over the phone and answer your questions the best that I can.

Or if you want to wing it simply go to and give it a whirl.

In Liberty,

Troi Bryan

-------------------------------- end email ------------------------------------

I will let you know what he says!

What are your thoughts?

Who would you love to see join our little culture on a blockchain?


Great E-mail! If Doug reads it, he will join, I am sure.

nice ! keep up the great work guys! im really excited about this!