I bet most of Steemers have come to a conclusion that recycling is a waste of time and brings no good.
But what if I told you that you can earn money from that also and you make your city cleaner?
There are multiple ways of making money from trash. Well, some people are too scared to do it or they just don't know anything about it. So that's why I will tell YOU couple of ways to get the best of your money and resources.
The easiest way to earn money by recycling, is just basically looking around and picking bottles, cans. They variate in prices from 0.1$ to even 0.2$ per each bottle. So if you you walk around the city before majority of the people are still sleeping, you may find tons of trown out bottles on the streets or in some spots where people usually drink. If your ego is big, this is not the best for you, but this sure can bring in some money. There are people making 100$'s every day by doing this, they just ride around on they bike, they have a little trailer and they go around private houses and they'r garbage cans, hope to find a jackpot. Later then they just take it to a re-seller that would give them cash for the bottles and cans they have found. Easy as that.
But if your a beer lover, and have a brewery somewhere in or close to your city your in luck, since usually they pay higher then the re-sellers and most of them offer you beer in exchange for empty bottles. So if your having a party, stash the bottles and then exchange them for a new case of beer.
Depending on the city and country, material is fairly simple to get. Shops and companies always want to get rid of something, so you just have to ask. There are a lot of ways to expand from that, and the best part about this.. You make your city cleaner and the world healthier, since a lot of stuff is not getting recycled, you can change that, maybe not in a month or a year, but in long term if you get some followers, it's going to help and you can make a living out of the passion.Starting your own little company, is not that easy, but can be done with a little investment and some contacts. There are a lot of companies that trow tons of plastic all the time, and the sad part, they have to pay big money for that, so if you can offer your services that you can pick some of the stuff up for free, I am pretty sure they will take it. Less hassle for them, and more money for you. Only then you will have to recycle that. For plastic bottles and cans it's fairly simple. Either press them or shred them. Pressing is easy, but that mostly means you have to then sell it to another company that would really recycle it all, but if you shred it you can work around the material that you have, meaning you can melt the plastic in the right ways to start producing items in low quantity. Easiest thing to make would be filament for 3D printers, since they sell in KG's, and to get a KG of plastic is simple, just couple of big bottles and your done.. Also machinery is quite simple to make or purchase. I would suggest in looking in a recycling movement here: https://preciousplastic.com/en
Thanks you, this was my first ever post in Steemit.com, I will happily answer any questions in comments.
Upcycling is another good way to recycle and earn money if you are the creative type.
Got to agree with that! Just if you can get stuff like that, that is worth upcycling.
pretty much anything is worth upcycling if you can make it attractive or useful (preferably both although attractive isn't always necessary depending on what you want to use it for when it's finished)