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RE: Building a Bridge with Recycled Pallets

in #recycling7 years ago (edited)

Great, @coyoteom and I are working with @greenhomeacres to create a platform to bring steemizen's together for workshops, homestay's and help exchanges and such. I look forward to seeing your post for this, as I know you will find it useful.

I simply dumpster dive for building materials, electronics and metals as well as pallets and seperate the metals and recycle them for cash. There is a market for used pallets as well, which pays up to $4 per pallet. I of coarse, upcycle some items I find and sell them to second hand stores, antique shops and on craigslist.

I frequent Industrial and Business Districts, which tend to be quite wasteful and make anywhere from $300-$1200 a week doing it. I also acquire many items this way, which I don't have to purchase, saving money.

I like to call myself a professional Scavenger, but the common title given is Scrapper.

I plan on frequenting Natural Building Workshops this summer and earning certificates in all the processes involved.


Yes yes yes! Thanks for linking me to this article @notconvinced, I think these kinds of projects would be perfect to share and utilize the idea we are working on! What better than making a post ablut natural building workshops and then having a bunch of steemians show up at your place to lend a helping hand 🙏

This bridge design is really fantastic. We have lots of little river run off dutches and could definitely manage some pallet bridges.

While I knew about the poor practice of chemical treatment, this stamp is news to me as well, you are teaching us all @senorcoconut 😍

Yo you guys are giving me goos bumps (it's a good thing)!!! Thank you so much, Teaching is something I would love to get into. Now that we have the space in the Catskills (New York), we will start doing workshops.

The first one is coming late June, We will build an outdoor kitchen with a live roof and most likely a wattle and daub structure. There's camping areas and beautiful swimming hole on the property!!!

Thank you again for your nice comment!!! Both of you @coyoteom and @notconvinced!

Yes man!! This is what I'm talking about. I like what you do. I have family in england who are great scrappers... it's a big part of the traveling community but England has now made scrap yards only give out checks for the stuff. Always trying to beat down the people.

Well, professional scavenger, I think you have found a friend! If you're ever near NYC, tel me I'll show you around the film studios dumpsters, they're gold mines!