represent the phenomena, that mind is able to be faster than matter and therefore has effect beyond linear time, ergo a thought/act depending on how big/strong is rippling through time in to moments of a past present, building slight fundaMentals which then are a dependence of the future thought/act being able to happen..?do you in combination with the @butterfly-effect
Tell them beyond a certain point, there's no way they can win.
Now the cascade is going to become unstoppable.
TL;DR - "checkmate in X" played perfectly.
represent the phenomena, that mind is able to be faster than matter and therefore has effect beyond linear time, ergo a thought/act depending on how big/strong is rippling through time in to moments of a past present, building slight fundaMentals which then are a dependence of the future thought/act being able to happen..?do you in combination with the @butterfly-effect
Tell them beyond a certain point, there's no way they can win.
Now the cascade is going to become unstoppable.
TL;DR - "checkmate in X" played perfectly.