#QAnon says What is #Censorship is 2018 look like? #Greatawakening #Sub #Reddit

in #reddit6 years ago

What does Book Burning look like in 2018???

What does Book Burning look like in 2018??? How does Book Burning look in 2018???
Can you say Reddit???
Censorship of Qanon thegreatawakening subreddit? Why? All for a Larp?


Can you say Reddit???

Censorship of Qanon thegreatawakening subreddit? Why?

All for a Larp?

Q says "Define 'Censorship'. The institution, system, or practice of censoring?"

Define 'Censorship'. The institution, system, or practice of censoring? Define 'Censorship'.
The institution, system, or practice of censoring?

#CensorshipKills #censoring #Censorship #Qanon8chanty .@realDonaldTrump #MAGA


Use this easy copy paste below to your twitter gab facebook page!!!


Q says "Define 'Censorship'.
The institution, system, or practice of censoring?"
#CensorshipKills  #censoring  #Censorship  #Qanon8chan

#Reddit  #BookBurning
ty .@realDonaldTrump  #MAGA .@enki74



book burning was recently done in Ukraine. books not fitting newly "invented" history and ideology, were destroyed and many more banned