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RE: Some thoughts on the Reddit token system

in #reddit4 years ago

People may think "oh that's it, Hive is done for" because of this

Maybe for a reason. Reddit is full of real human, natural engagement, while Hive is not. And to avoid misunderstandings, I like Hive, I am using it for more than 4 years (since 2017.05.17), but if anyone looks around, anyone can see that there is a general lack of real human engagement on the Hive blockchain. Nowadays the average number of comments per post is 2-3, and most of those comments are bot comments. And not even the Hardfork 25 (HF25) could change that. Nowadays I often see posts with 4-5 bot comments, but 0 real human comments (and often more than 100 upvotes, and the most of that is probably automated, so the curators do not even see what they curate). Quite disappointing.


Is there any merit to engaging with the content? If I see a nice post but ain't my field of interest, I just think it's nice but wouldn't bother commenting as there isn't much to comment at all. It's just not my interest. Take for instance visual art, looks nice and you get an ah moment for posting, maybe convince yourself to say nice post but it just screams lacking substance in engagement. Some content creators create content that can persuade viewers to be engaged while most can't, this is a skill to make people care about your stuff. Is it really people's fault if they find the content really uninteresting to be commented on? Going on manual curating spree for weeks with a mix of autovoting, I can say there are too few content creators that have the ability to hook an audience and make them involved in a post.

You're really stuck in a loop, huh

Yes. Just like the Hive blockchain itself.

If your whole view on the chain revolves around engagement and the lack thereof, which we've concluded that your constant negativity isn't going to attract you engaging users, and instead you fail to see all the development and growth that's occurring then I'm not going to be the one to change your mind. I would appreciate it if you'd stop coming with that negativity to my posts constantly, though.

Not negativity. Realism. Straight facts. In the recent past I started to write my own Hive posts only for myself, so I do not even expect any engagement under my own Hive posts. I look for it under other people's posts instead, but I very rarely find it.

Maybe your content just isn't just what people would want to be entertained to.

This is not just/only about my content. This is about content in general on the Hive blockchain.

Does the general content on Hive contain something worth engaging into? I don't think so. Only few seem to catch interests of the many and the rest are mediocre or pass but would never make it to viral. And no, whatever posts that is on trending isn't my gauge for quality content.