Be careful what you say! You have to be mindful of what you say to others around you, and online. You can't just type out anything you want, or speak your mind in an audio or video. No! That is too dangerous!
This type of thinking applies in two ways.
If you are a mainstream brainwashed and indoctrinated low-quality thinker, then the narrative is painting anyone who puts out information that does not align with the official government propaganda is being a danger to society. That is dangerous misinformation.
You can't just say and share things. But can get someone hurt. Because if you don't completely adhere to the official narrative and you say things that contradict it, and you're putting lives in danger. Spreading disinformation makes you a danger to others, a danger to society. This makes you essentially a domestic terrorist in the eyes of many.
On the other hand, someone who has broken out of the indoctrination in prison of the mind, you understand the need to convey valuable information that can potentially break the shackles off the minds of others. But even in such a case, it's often prudent to be careful what we say given the aforementioned mentality that many have been indoctrinated to believe in.
You can get in serious trouble in some countries now. And this mentality is spreading. Laws are being slowly developed with the totalitarian tiptoe towards limiting information that contradicts government propaganda. Even criminalizing it.
It is becoming dangerous. In the minds of many, you're not allowed to speak freely. If they had their way, they would put you in a reeducation camp.
That's why this images so fitting. We are entering a time where you may have to pretend to be indoctrinated enough so that you can stay off the radar of the authoritarian cheapo and their overlords. Because you never know, your own family, your friends are certainly people online, will be too eager to turn you in to their masters for reeducation. You are too much of a danger to be left alone.