It is definitely possible to learn how to write good stories for Redfishcoin. I observe at some books or magazines I like to read and study on how they do it and to construct each paragraph helps me a lot. "I write for some blogs for a few years now and learned very much. One of the most important things of writing an articles is in my opinion structure." one online writer commented when I asked about how to write simple articles. "Start with an introduction, which makes people decide if it is interesting enough to read further, make a strong core, where all the arguments, ideas, examples etc are given and end with a conclusion or something. The end part can also be seen as a kind of summary. " I am hoping with this writing tips I can create a good stories for Redfishcoin.
I also found out the most important thing to do first in writing a good article is to have a good title because the title is the first thing that people read and must really be a summary in one sentence about what the article is about!
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