To the loaded 98yo me.

in #redox9 years ago

Hi ya money sacks. Or should I say Ol’ wrinkly sacks! What’s going on with the monetary situation in 2064? I imagine we are loaded and living the great life. After all I’m working hard right now on making us financially abundant for the future that you are now living in.
Here’s what I imagine our life is like in 2064. I’m one healthy fuck. All the shit that our kids used to stir us up about, the daily pulped juice drink in the morning every morning, the raw organic, whole foods, the salads, the grilled vegetables, whole grains, nuts and the complete vegetarian lifestyle, has kept our body alkaline and disease free. The couple of hours walk every day in the hills and on the beaches around our beautiful home are keeping you active while the writing and drawing we do, also on a daily basis, keeps our mind active and alert.
I’m still married of course and my wife is the most thoughtful, healthy, intelligent and gorgeous 97-year-old on the planet. Even if the burgeoning entrepreneurial skills of my 2016 life fail me (which we know is impossible) the abilities of my wife would pull me through anything so that the glorious life you are living now is impossible not to imagine. Besides the stuff I just explained you are doing in 2064 is the stuff you are doing now, minus the grand kids, we haven’t had them yet.
Now the reality is that if the world has gone to shit by then, which is of a high possibility considering the absolute madness surrounding us in 2016, then our entrepreneurial skills will definitely be required. After all money, and shitloads of it, will be the only thing that will allow us the freedom to continue the expected lifestyle that makes sense to us.

  1. If the planet is a polluted cesspool thanks to corporate gluttony and the compulsive urge of media advertising to enchant the populace with useless non-biodegradable, non-recyclable, new and improved cock stroking, ego enhancing, clit diddling crap; then a HUGE, unpolluted, natural space is needed for us to escape the contamination. After all it’s no use growing a food forest under a chemtrail sky in acid rain.
  2. If I wish for my grandchildren to escape the claws of the pharmaceutical giants by not being inoculated by their poisons, then a plan B must be in effect for education and employment above and beyond the mainstreams. After all it won’t be long before they will not allow inoculated children to attend schools, universities and possibly even get jobs without being jabbed by life debilitating and disease causing agents.
  3. Also we will require an alternative energy system and access to clean water separate from the corporate grid so that we will not be at the mercy of the government or the power and water structure that wants to keep us in the dark while feeding us their polluted H2O and energy wasting electricity. I imagine that by 2064 incredible ways to produce energy and to source clean water are available to those who can afford it, unless the suppression of these technologies of the past 100 years has continued on for the next 50!
    But I see me, old man, on a huge acreage among rolling hills, natural bush land, possibly by a flowing creek or beside a bore and close to the ocean. No fucking global warming fear for us, in fact we probably bought the property from some fearful nutter who is still waiting for the sea to roll up to his back door even though he was 50mtrs above sea level.
    You’re in your hammock listening to the water babbling over the rocks in the purposely designed water feature that enlivens the water that feeds your garden and you. Around you on their own acreages are others who have chosen to bail out of society. They live in natural environments as well with no chemical pesticides, herbicides or GMO produce anywhere near our properties.
    Everything you own or use is sustainable. The car you drive uses non wearing magnetic levitation technology, electrical power with perpetual energy generation capability, with a light, strong body made from hemp.
    Our house is weather pertinent catching the winter sun for heat and providing shade for the hot summers. Grey water is reclaimed for watering purposes and our drinking water is from the many water tanks attached to the house. Our white goods, fridge, freezer, clothes washer etc, are easily repairable and fully recyclable.
    The information we receive is from reliable, alternative sources and the movies and entertainment chosen is free from programming, advertising and mind controlling propaganda that is so prevalent in these twisted 2016’s. Our music choices will span the centuries. You will have access to everything from 16th century concertos through to the latest in alternative rock and roll along with everything in-between.
    You will use technology to the advancement of your life and the life of those you love and never let it use and abuse you.
    Your business will be giving you reciprocal income in unimaginable amounts from you being intelligent enough to be one of the first people in the world to sell and build upon Redox Signaling Molecules in partnership with a company that has “To better people’s lives and to be a force of good in the world” as their business model.
    And you and those we love will be free.