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RE: What Was Your Red Pill Moment?

in #redpill7 years ago

I woke up a long time ago, I came from a poor family and I could never really get a foot hold in life, but I have always been able to sell, which to be truthful kept me alive. I could never get the real break because I believed what I was taught as I started asking questions and not get answers I saw a path do not believe what they tell you. I knew 9/11 was an inside job I knew the London bombing were a hoax I see what is going on, I look at life as a salesman.
The government are selling us a pitch and most have been sold it, but when the sales pitch sounds very good, it is never that good you know they are selling something that is bullshit, because that is what a sale is, buy this thing that you do not need and it will be great, I saw I was being sold faulty goods.


Interesting perspective. Essentially, you can't bullshit a bullshitter. Their sales pitch came off far too scripted, like it was all planned on 9/11.