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RE: How I Took The Red Pill And Realized Everything In Our Cult(ure) Is a Lie

in #redpill8 years ago (edited)

Some 10 years ago I was undergoing a complete mind shift, un-sheeping myself from the dogmas of our society. Basically I told myself "everything you know is wrong" and accepted that, leading into a "proper" education. The catalyst for this was off course watching the movie The Matrix a countles number of times. This lead myself on that same path, crossing G. Edward Griffin's work among others. I experienced a huge wake up in the span of a few years within those kind of topics, but also health awareness. I'm suffering from psoriasis and basically read up enough to have a serious conversation with many specialist.
It's been a journey :) and at the time I could not see bitcoin for what it really is: the red pill ... glad I got into crypto since then (I remember watching some of your early videos), covering a bit of the wealth aspect of my life.
Can't wait to see what we'll find further down the rabbit hole !@dollarvigilante