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RE: What Was Your Red Pill Moment?

in #redpill8 years ago

I never brought a tent, but I was at Occupy in NYC quite a few times, my wife and I would make signs and hand them out. We would stand around the edges of Zuccotti Park and people would just start asking us questions about everything. I was doing interviews for Japanese TV, it was the most free I'd ever felt, expressing my 1st Amendment to it's fullest.

I don't recall stumbleupon. I think the tin foil is just a metaphor for awareness that everything is not as it seems. Your transformation of your life sounds remarkable and something I believe I would like to be doing in the near future.


Hey @wakeupsheeps! Yes, we watched zuccotti get going, we came in right after. But before that I had been following the Arab spring and the 'Indignados' in Spain, which inspired me the most. Disclaimer- I am in the early stages of my dream, house sold, preparations happening for move in Jan, business plan in place, house design planned and doing courses & self-directed study in all things sustainable, permaculture, etc... while I have easily accessible internet... So will keep everyone posted of our progress, might work out, than again it might not! But thanks for your good wishes and good luck in your own journey!

Good to hear. I wish you the best of luck with the big move, that's the direction i'd like to be heading...