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RE: What Was Your Red Pill Moment?

in #redpill8 years ago (edited)

Mine was 9/11 was only 16. it all sounded a bit sus...started researching it and it just opened a whole can of worms...thank God for the internet, if we still had to rely on tv and radio would their have been a mass awakening?


Yes 2 planes and 3 detonations was a bit of a stretch nevermind the fact that the BBC reported tower seven being down 20minutes before they "pulled it". and Rummy saying on sept 10th that the pentagon had lost 1.3 billion dollars and guess which office got hit at the pentagon? yep you guessed right the office that was doing the audit on the 1.3 billion or sorry it was trillion with a T. isn't a war on terror the most ridiculous name ever. aren't all wars wars of terror, from both sides. How do you win a war on terror? anyone?

I believe so. There's always pros and cons. And people always find a way to communicate. The internet certainly has sped a lot of things up though!

Without the internet, 9/11 could have easily been put away, quietly, in a nice little box.