A handshake was enough to seal an agreement, because trust was the foundation of every commitment. In any case, the true strength of an agreement lies in mutual trust. After all, a contract without trust is just a piece of paper from which a good lawyer will always know how to get out. And for war? We are the most ruthless, bloodthirsty, power-hungry species on this earth. Have a agreement or treaties ever blocked the will of autocratic dictators that we ourselves often bring to power with our vote? Maybe for a while, not till they are defeated or satisfied.
Sadly, the only truth about all that we are living...
Unfortunately... Sorry for bothering you: I have the feeling I already met you. Were you posting somewhere else some years ago, such as noise cash?
YES! Sorry for didn't recall it in the begging! I've kept the same nick name. Sorry for haven't recall you from Noise 😅😅 Shame on me!