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in #reflexiones3 years ago (edited)



Love, leave the street, eat well, study, it is for your future, no bad friendships baby, don't drink so much sky, the one who is in her bed thinking "Will she be ok, did she come home? When she doesn't know anything about you... she has no shame to call you to see... if something has happened to you, the one who is with you in good times and bad, as a priest would say "In sickness and in health", that's the one, don't lose her.
Amor deja la calle, aliméntate bien, estudia que es por tu futuro, malas amistades no nene, ya no tomes tanto cielo , la que está en su cama pensando ¿Estará bien? ¿Habrá llegado a casa?. Cuando no sabe nada de ti.. no tiene pena de llamarte para ver... si te ha pasado algo, esa que esta contigo en buenas y malas, como diría un cura "En la salud y en la enfermedad", esa es, no la pierdas.


If you have someone who sends you messages (good morning, how did you wake up, did you eat, did you get home) and is interested in you in spite of everything, let me tell you that there are not many like that...don't let her go...on a whim? fights? even in the worst of problems?...just remember that for everything there is a solution...just keep in mind...I bet you that maybe she will be the only one who will give you nice details, who will tell you something nice whenever you are bad, who will support you in any situation. I bet you whatever you want that maybe she will be the only one who will give you nice details, who will tell you something nice whenever you are bad, who will support you in any situation, and so I tell you ...take care of her, do not lie to her, do not lose her, do not mistreat her, do not hit her, do not criticize her, do not imprison her, do not hold her....
Si tienes quien te mandé mensajes de(buenos días, cómo amaneciste, ya comiste, ya llegaste a tu casa) se interese por ti a pesar de todo , déjame decirte que no hay muchas ya así... no la dejes ir.. por capricho? peleas? incluso en el peor de los problemas?...solo recuerda que para todo hay una solución cae en cuenta .. te apuesto lo que quieras que quizás ella será la única la que te dé detalles lindos, la que te dirá algo bonito siempre que estés mal, que te apoye en cualquier situación, y así mismo te digo ...cuídala, no le mientas, no la pierdas, no la maltrates , no le pegues , no la critiques , no la encarceles , no la sostengas...


Maybe she is one of those girls who likes to party and everything, but she has rules to follow at home and she is not like those girls who have all the freedom in the world and have an empty head.... So do you want to be in your childish rolls, or flying around in other worlds?...surely she will be thinking about you, and how to have the best relationship at your side. Don't forget that time is passing, look at your age, enjoy the beauty of finally having your stability.
Posiblemente ella sea de esas chicas que a lo mejor si le guste el desmadre y todo, pero tiene unas reglas que seguir en su casa y no es como esas nenas que tienen toda la libertad del mundo y tienen la cabeza hueca.. Entonces quieres estar en tus rollos de niño , o andar volando por otros mundos?... de seguro ella estará pensando en ti, y como tener la mejor relación del a tu lado. No olvides el tiempo va pasando , mira tu edad , disfruta lo hermoso de tener por fin tu estabilidad

Look, if you want something nice, sincere, lasting, don't be one of the bunch, those are not enough, don't forget that if you have a girl in your life, who loves you as you are, I think it wouldn't hurt to change your environment, besides it will be for your own good, she will have the certainty that you will only be with her despite everything, and if after she met you she still loves you... don't let her go, because I can assure you that she will be perhaps the last one in your life who will risk everything to have you with her...
Mira, si según deseas algo bonito, sincero, duradero, no seas del montón, esos sobran, no olvides que si tienes una chica ubicada en tu vida, que te ama tal y como eres, creo que no estaría de mas cambiar tu entorno, aparte de que será para bien tuyo, ella tendrá la certeza que tú solo estarás con ella a pesar de todo, y si después de que te conoció te sigue queriendo... no la dejes ir, pues te puedo asegurar que ella será tal vez la última en tu vida que arriesgue todo por tenerte con ella...


Choosing well is synonymous that she will be the one who will carry you in her heart, don't you think that she fits in your life? I don't want to convince you to accept my advice, I want you, being so free, to decide to be with the best one? Have you ever found yourself at the crossroads of not knowing if love is necessary? If giving so much love, living in the right way, respecting, trusting, caring, protecting a love that is really true, is the right thing to do... Don't want to harden your heart thinking that it is better not to feel, not to want, not to do, not to fight for anyone, just lie down and be alone, look up and see how life goes by, you alone or with one at a time without caring anything. . no no no no... analyze and realize the truth of life... your partner, your companion, the one with whom you will spend the best and also some not so good moments, since nothing is perfect.
Escoger bien es sinónimo de que sera quien te llevara en su corazón, no crees que en tu vida ella cabe ?... No quiero convencerte de que aceptes mis concejos, Quiero que, siendo tu tan libre, decidas estar con la mejor... ¿Alguna vez te has encontrado en esa encrucijada? ¿De no saber si amar es necesario ? Si entregar tanto amor, vivir en lo correcto , respetar , confiar , cuidar, proteger un amor que es realmente verdadero , es lo certero?..No quieras endurecer tu corazón pensando que es mejor no sentir, no querer, no hacer, no luchar por nadie, simplemente acostarte y estar solo, mirar hacia arriba y ver como la vida pasa, tu solo o con una de a ratos sin que nada te importe.. no no no... analiza y cae en cuenta de la verdad de la vida... tu pareja , tu compañera , esa con la que pasaras los mejores y también algunos no tan buenos momentos , ya que nada es perfecto .


Tell me ... if it would not be nice to see in that chair behind you as time goes by the woman who looks at you even with vibrant eyes of love, because if there are, but very few I told you ... there are unruly, there are silent, there are demure, there are crazy, there are quiet, but in her soul there is that inner beauty, that when you see her eyes, it spreads with the desire to love you, do not miss it, I repeat do not let it escape. How beautiful it will be to remember how your life as a couple began, from the day you saw her and realized that this baby was worth it, so never think that falling in love could be a mistake, no no no what a shame, take your time to get to know her better, enjoy her company, feel her in your heart, miss her every time she leaves and get excited when she arrives, I am sure you will remember me, because I made you realize the value of a good person, the one who loves you, the one who takes care of you, the one who dreams of you, the one who kisses you, the one who values you and will always be there no matter how you are, because true love accepts you, does not hurt you, does not hurt you, does not limit you, does not exaggerate, does not get tired...
Dime ..si no seria bonito ver en esa silla de tras de ti al pasar del tiempo a la mujer que te mira aun con los ojos vibrantes de amor , porque si las hay , pero muy pocas ya te dije... las hay revoltosas, las hay silenciosas , las hay recatadas , las hay alocadas , las hay tranquilas , pero en su alma existe esa belleza interior, que al verle sus ojos , se esparce de ganas de amarte, no te la pierdas , te repito no dejes que se escape. Que hermoso sera recordar como empezó tu vida en pareja , desde el día que le viste y te diste cuenta que esa nena valía la pena , por eso nunca pienses que enamorarte bien pueda ser un error , no no que pena, date tu tiempo , de conocerla mejor , disfrutar de su compañía, sentirla en tu corazón , extrañándola cada vez que se va y emocionarte cuando ella llega , de seguro te acordaras de mi , porque te hice caer en cuenta el valor de una persona buena , la que te quiere , la que te cuida , la que te sueña , la que te besa , la que te valora y estará allí siempre seas como seas , porque el verdadero amor , te acepta , no hiere , no encuartela, no limita , no exagera , no se cansa...


So end up next to the one who is worth it from the very moment you decide to be with her, you will not want to let her go, live with her, be your everything in the house, have children with her, heal your illnesses, listen to your sorrows, that the physical is no more, that the feelings surround you, that life goes by with the one you really love.
Así que termina al lado de quien vale la pena desde el mismo momento que decidas estar con ella , no querrás soltarla , vivir con ella , que sea tu todo en la casa, tener hijos con ella , que cure tus enfermedades , que escuche tus penas , que lo físico no sea mas , que los sentimientos te envuelvan, que la vida vaya pasando con quien ames de a de veras .


Le doy gracias a @danielvehe, @enmy, el equipo de @rutablockchain y a @bluemist son grandes
I thank @danielvehe, @enmy, the @rutablockchain team and @bluemist they are great.
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