Novel use of bees in the Production of Medicinal Honey based on Cannabis

in #reggaesteem5 years ago

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Good evening dear friends greetings from Venezuela, today I want to talk about a very interesting topic is a kind of invention discovered by an intelligent and intelligent French beekeeper named Nicolas Trainerbees and is the honey extracted or made from the resin of the Cannabis leaf or Marijuana. Its result is called 'cannahoney', a delicious nectar this product has been very attractive for many people has not gone unnoticed but since nothing is perfect in this life its creator has to face the restrictions and laws of his country.

Buenas noches queridos amigos saludos desde Venezuela, el dia de hoy quiero hablar de un tema bastante interesante es una especie de invento descubierto por un inteligente y sagaz apicultor Frances llamado Nicolas Trainerbees y es la Miel extraida o elaborada de la resina de la hoja de Cannabis o Marihuana .Su resultado se llama 'cannahoney', un delicioso néctar este producto ha sido muy atractivo para muchas personas no ha pasado desapercibido pero como nada es perfecto en esta vida su creador tiene que hacer frente a las restricciones y leyes de su país.

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Nicolas says that since he was just a child he began to medicate with cannabis and to experience his great benefits he defines himself as passionate about nature and the training of all kinds of animals. This man has been investigating the properties of the plant and the insects to which the insects dedicate their domestic life to the point of achieving that they behave like the desired good, we all have gifts and that of this man is to be charming animals.

nicolas cuenta que desde que era tan solo un niño comenzo medicarse con cannabis y a experimentar sus grandes bendeficios se define como un apasionado por la naturaleza y por el entrenamiento de todo tipo de animales. este señor lleva años investigando las propiedades de la planta y de los insectos a los que dedican su vida doméstica los insectos al punto de lograr que se comporten como el deseabueno todos tenemos dones y el de este señor es ser encantador de animales ..


the procedure to elaborate his famous 'cannahoney', as he himself has decided to call his peculiar honey, consists of training the bees to
that collect the marijuana resin and use it in the hive. "Then, the final substance is the natural work of these small insects.

el procedimiento para elaborar su famosa 'cannahoney', como el mismo ha decidido llamar a su peculiar miel consiste en entrenar las abejas para
que recojan la resina de marihuana y la utilizen en la colmena". Después, la sustancia final es el trabajo natural de estos pequeños insectos.


The resulting honey has the same effects as cannabis. Its terpenes which are the chemical compounds responsible for creating the specific aroma and flavor between each type of marijuana, in order to distinguish the different strains with our olfactory senses. this honey they have a "delicious and pleasant taste" reminiscent of the fresh plant, although the taste changes slightly from one crop to another.

la miel resultante posee los mismos efectos que el cannabis. Sus terpenos los cuales son los compuestos químicos responsables de crear el aroma y sabor especifica entre cada tipo de marihuana, para asi poder distinguir con nuestros sentidos olfativosy gustativos las diferentes cepas esta miel, tienen un "sabor delicioso y agradable" que recuerda a la planta fresca, aunque el sabor cambia ligeramente de un cultivo a otro.



This honey usually has a "quite floral" smell and a variable color that usually ranges from light green to white or yellow. This product is not smoked, ingested and has medicinal properties.

esta miel suele tener un olor "bastante floral" y un color variable este suele ir desde el verde claro al blanco o amarillo.este producto no se fuma, se ingiere y tiene propiedades medicinales..

Apparently, Cannahoney has a wide range of positive effects, which includes pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties.

Al parecer, Cannahoney tiene una amplia gama de efectos positivos, que incluye alivio del dolor y propiedades antiinflamatorias.


friends I am impressed by the diversity of products that can be obtained from this plant, nature is wise so much that the honey bees that are not affected by cannabinoids because they have no endocannabinoid system

amigos me quedo impresionada de la diversidad de productos que pueden obtener a partir de esta planta la naturaleza es sabia tanto asi que las abejas fabricantes de esta miel no se ven afectados por los cannabinoides porque no tienen sistema endocannabinoide.


God bless you dear friends, thank you until a new opportunity my message for today is that we take care of our environment, since we are an integral unit nature man, bees have an important role in our planet are the best and most efficient responsible pollinators of the reproduction and perpetuation of thousands of plant species, producing food.

Dios los bendiga queridos amigos, gracias hasta una nueva oportunidad mi mensaje para el dia de hoy es que cuidemos nuestro ambiente, ya que somos una unidad integral naturaleza hombre, las abejas tienen un papel importante en nuestro planeta son los mejores y más eficientes polinizadores responsables de la reproducción y perpetuación de miles de especies vegetales, produciendo alimentos.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

For a second there I thought this was honey oil or shatter and that maybe this isn't the best medicine for a child. #weedcash

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

there are people who are connected with nature from children who have that attraction or curiosity to investigate the insects plants that mystical world of forests I see it as a special gift nicolas has all his life in this world may not consume the plant as such if not that if I had a wound applied a little of the plant and the symptoms diminished so I see it and so little by little I was venturing into that natural world greetings Cat ..

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

What a great informative
post. When I travel locally produced honey is a commodity that is seeked out, along with
yogurts. My next visit to Jamaica, I’m gonna be on the lookout for this.
Nice post.

Posted using Partiko iOS

This product if you should get a good beekeeper in Jamaica take advantage of all the plants to get the blessed honey greetings friend God bless you.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

@mariluna, Without any doubt we all have gifts and when we put our gifts and talent towards right direction we can Manifest wonderful things in our life. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you friend and putting God first in all greetings

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Welcome and have a blessful time ahead.

This is really interesting, thanks for sharing! I wonder what it tastes like?

By the way, I've featured your post in My entry to the Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 84

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hello heart Thank you for taking my post into account for this contest I hope you have much success in it ..

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

I've never enjoyed cannabis mixed with honey, yes I think it's very tasty when I see it

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

good is a type of honey extracted from cannabis must be delicious hugs ..

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Amazing post! I hadn't really appreciated the fact that marijuana must make a good source for honeybees. ( @goatgirlz - you should check this out!)
I found your post thanks to @trincowski who featured you in the Pay it Forward Contest. Keep up the great work!

@mariluna i used to think that honey is the only benefit that can be gotten from bees,but now i know that bees have more benefits that we can get from it,thanks for sharing this wonderful info...


Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded