The Reiki Master Healer degree helped me to grow personnally.
Thanks to Reiki 3A, I accessed the Reiki Master symbol and received information about its use.
By means of two reconciliations (initiation situations) I became more closely linked to the energetic field. The master symbol was activated.
With this degree I could support my spiritual awareness and strengthen my ability to give and receive unconditional love.
In addition to the Master Symbol I also received 8 additional symbols, which are also used in Karuna Ki Reiki®: Harth, Kriya, Om, Zonar, Halu, Shanti, Gnosa and Iava)and one from the Tibetan Reiki system: the four serpent (Four dragon or Nin Giz Zida).
For those symbols I received an explanation of how to use them. In addition, I practiced a number of new Reiki techniques: Reiki combined with crystals (the Reiki crystal grid), Giving Reiki to objects, Cleaning spaces and the creation of sacred space.
This degree was the most powerful of all. I realize that I still have a lot of work to do.
Thank you for taking the time to read this publication.
Bright blessings !
With love !
Photography from Pexels and used under the CC0 license.
Congratulations my friend :) Keep up the great work!
Thank you very much :) The journey can be sometimes difficult but I believe everything has a reason and Reiki help me everyday realize it. People like you are also helping me a lot for this journey. Thank you for that. I hope one day, I'll mean something to you. In the meantime, I'm sending you universal energy.
Bright blessings.
Thank you so much!!!
You are very welcome @dimitrya123 :) Please know that you already do mean very much to me my friend! I am DEEPLY thankful for our connection and to be sharing in this journey with you!!
I agree; it can often be very difficult - sometimes it seems even more so for us Masters & Practitioners - as we are dedicated to the path <3
Much Love and BIG REIKI HUGS!!!! Keep Shining!!!!
I am feeling so blessed with your message :)

Much Love and BIG REIKI HUGS as weel :)
Namaste My Friend :) and Thank You for the Reiki Hugs!!
I'm a level 2 Reiki and hardly a day goes by without me using the symbols - I fully intend to go to level 3 but as with all things in life there is a time and that is not now - just discovered you and your posts - will be looking through them over the next couple of days..
Reiki is always with all of us. A day will come when you will have the opportunity to follow level 3. Each journey is different and unique. Thank you very much for your comment and take care. Bright blessings. Namaste !