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RE: About reincarnation / Personal opinions.

in #reincarnation7 years ago

I don't think we really need to worry about reincarnation. I think it's likely real, but I'm not sure how our consciousness works, like how are we in this body right now, and if we die is there a timeframe for how long we stay "dead" before reincarnation or are we simply outside of time with the potential to reincarnate anywhere in the timeline?

I think most people wonder about reincarnation because of the fear of death or the fear that we don't get a second shot at life, but better to turn things around here and now than to keep worrying and wondering in my opinion.

Also, have you read Many Lives, Many Masters? My girlfriend was reading it while we drove to the eclipse this summer and this post reminded me of it. Interesting stuff.


Of course, I do not worry if reincarnation is real or not. Reincarnation could explain many injustices and inequities on Earth. Time does not exist beyond. But to speak in the earthly terms, it may take a few hours to recharge or may take decades. Time seems to be beyond our spiritual development. The more a soul is older and more experienced, it evolved implicitly, the less you descend here on Earth. I have not read Many Lives, Many Masters. I read a lot of other books on this topic. Nothing happens at random! That's what I learned.

Hmmm, very well put, as far as earthly life a system of reincarnation would make sense, basically teaching us the "rules," like what you put out you get back.

Do you have any thoughts about what our time on earth is meant for, what we are supposed to be learning? And I agree, nothing happens randomly, yet there is still spontaneity of events, nothing ever repeats, it doesn't feel planned. Life is beautiful.

Nice post btw.

Life is beautiful! As for time, I talked with many people about the time here. Everyone's perception is that time is running faster after the age of 40. So you live every day as if it were the last one. Of course, we must not exceed certain limits. ;-)