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RE: About reincarnation / Personal opinions.

in #reincarnation7 years ago (edited)

I know that reincarnation is real since I had a spiritual epiphany about 15 months ago when the spiritual realm made itself known to me.

Everything is energy and energy cannot be destroyed, it can only transform. When we leave our physical body, die, we return to spirit and kinda float around in the ether as a body of energetic consciousness - destined to ultimately reincarnate until our lessons are learnt and we are deemed "Enlightened".

Memories I have held since young have been confirmed as past life memories since my awakening.

That said unless most people have proof I think many remain sceptical. This is a shame as knowing that death is a false construct is, I feel, somehow reassuring.

New here I am an artist/writer/lightworker and most of my work nods to spirituality and my interaction with my spiritual team in the context of life enhancing ideas.

I invite you to pass by mine and welcome your thoughts on one of my recent posts:

upvoted/followed I send you cheery seasons greetings xox


Thank you for your comment. Yes! Reincarnation is a reality. I'll visit your blog.

Have you ever thought if theese memories may have been implanted in you at a very early age. Only to be later activated later by this spiritual experiance?

An interesting thought but I am sure of these memories which are pure in manifestation. My mind was never influenced - there is much we do not, and are not actually meant to, understand. xox