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RE: Allow Me To Re-Introduce Myself, My Name Is...

Just for the record Jeff had no part whatsoever in bringing me here. I didn't even know he was here until after I signed up. I'm here because I received at least a dozen separate emails from my listeners to tell me about Steemit (including @joeplummer). I have no idea why Jeff is claiming otherwise.


If that is the case, I would say that is problematic. I really hope @dollarvigilante doesn't claim things that aren't true.

should be grounds for losing integrity no matter how powerful or influential that person is.Thanks for letting that be known. Hopefully, there is a valid response for that. I really hope that users here don't give @dollarvigilante a pass just because he is a celebrity ala Trump. What one says matters, and making claims that are false

Hey James, I saw your video and the thumbnail for it was from my Anarchast vid, was it not? I also sent you an email on it so I just assumed. If that isn't the case, I apologize. You were the only one I listed who I didn't directly get onto the site... if you'd like I can retract your name from the list above. Just let me know.