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RE: I sure did miss y'all

in #reintroduction5 years ago

Welcome back. We did miss you. I figured you have been very busy and perhaps even fed up with this Crazy platform. So many people have left but then again there a new people as well and even some old people like us are still around.

Oh my god how on earth did he enjoy himself? I bet your mother nerve was totally tweaking. Sounds like you have had a good time but busy. Lovely pictures of you all.

Posted using Partiko Android


I figured a lot of people had left. I really missed the community here. I'm glad to have time for it again.
Solomon fell off the swing, and it swung back and hit him in the head. It was a wooden swing. Luckily it happened here because my mom totally would have had a breakdown. Also, it was free here and would have cost a lot in the US. We got some nice pictures in Canada. I'll put some more up tomorrow.

Posted using Partiko Android