Is it okay to look at other women when you are married? My friend caught her husband glancing at other pretty girls clad in girly dresses while shopping at the mall. My friend was devastated. She thought it was the end of her marital life. She thought of divorcing her husband. She thanked her stars for there is no baby that would have tied her to this man. She was furious and her husband tried convincing her that he was not looking at those skimpily dressed girls because he doesn't like such dresses😂, but she was in no mood to shift.
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A week went by and they both stayed in the same house like utter stangers. The husband tried his luck many times, but the wife was not going to spare him for he saw someone else while she was besides him. I was visiting my friend that weekend and I could sense the tension even though they pretended that everything was fine.
After nagging her for some time she revealed what crime her husband had committed. He was checking out girls at the shopping mall 😂. I couldn't stop myself from bursting into laughter. I told her what's bad in that. My husband does it too and why blame it only on husband's, I do it too. I do check handsome boys at malls and other places. That doesn't mean I would divorce my husband and run away with one of the guys that I checked out. Beauty is to admire. While I ssod, I do it too, I could see the creases erase from my friend's forehead because we both have together admired beauty of handsome men during our college days.
I and my husband have a very friendly relationship and there are times when, even if he doesn't notice, I show him pretty girls asking him how pretty their hair or dress is.
So women, give your man some space. Let him admire the beauty that God has created. He won't run away and if he has to then he surely will even if he doesn't get another girl. If he is destined to be yours, he will be yours. ❤️❤️❤️
The story of life as very sad sahabtku hope it does not happen to the child @samysamy
I could not understand it does not happen to the child
Maybe if it happens to me very sad @samysamy
What it means that your friend doesn't know what life is all about......
You are perfectly right its okay
Actually what they are lacking is mutual trust
I and my husband have a very friendly relationship and there are times when, even if he doesn't notice, I show him pretty girls asking him how pretty their hair or dress is. three claps for this 👏👏👏
Dear @samysamy we should think like you. Many realtions are breaking for these kinds of misunderstanding. great dharing dear.
Its a funny story of every couples life.😂