Tidbits on Marriage as he celebrates his anniversary From our friend Aposle Byran meadows. Marriage isn't about management. While it is one of the highest forms of relationships within the Earth, to reduce marriage down to compatibility and companionship would make impotent God's original plan for Adam and Eve. Marriage is about Destiny. Marriage is a Kingdom Institution that was given to advance the Family of Man and progress the Kingdom of God. Marriage is beyond kisses, dates, and vacations. Marriage is a Partnership of Purpose. NOT because you need someone to eliminate the element of loneliness.. Marry cause it AGREEs WITH your FUTURE. Marry someone that supports,fights for it, pray for your future , sacrifices for it.. Someone that looks at what God has for your future, and knows without a doubt that God specifically designed the two of you together to get to that place called DESTINY. Someone that will take the risk,face the challenges,understand the investments& looks beyond your current status&financial pocket. #marriageworks