in #relationship11 months ago

We all know infidelity is a state of being unfaithful to one's partner.
It simply means marital disloyalty.
Why am i talking about Infidelity today? It is because infidelity has dominated the society we're in today, there are so many unfaithful partners everywhere.

2 days ago, my friends and I argued about who cheats more between men and women, it's obviously men, but some men find it difficult to admit it. The rate at which men fornicate or rather engage in extra marital affairs is way beyond the rate women do.

Our society approves men having more than one wife, they can have as many as they want, as long as they'd cater for them, but on the contrary, women can only have one husband. When a woman is found with another man other than her husband, she becomes a prostitute and being called names, but when a man is found with another woman, that's when you hear things like "he's trying another meal, one cannot eat only rice forever, life is about varieties and much more"

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I often ask, Why do men cheat? Why do they get encouraged to fornicate? Why do we feel betrayed when our women cheat on us, yet we do much worse to them?

Infidelity is unfaithfulness, and no one should be found guilty of it, be it man or woman.

As a man you shouldn't cheat on your partner, and as a woman you shouldn't cheat on your partner too.

Infidelity makes marriages crumble, many women have become single mothers today simply because of infidelity.

When a partner cheats and is being caught, the marriage / relationship never remains the same again, overlooking the fact that you caught your partner cheating becomes a very difficult thing to do. The loyal partner ends up misbehaving or mistreating the other partner along the line.

Lack of trust creeps in
Less communication creeps in
Gifting becomes a taboo at some point
You begin to see your partner differently, "unappealing" The love starts fading away, and the relationship begins to crumble.

The truth is, no one likes a cheating partner, and absolutely no one deserves a cheating partner.

There's more to INFIDELITY, but this is where I'd drop my pen for today.

Be faithful, it'd cost you nothing.

Thanks for reading through.