It can be hard in today’s society to tell when she’s actually attracted to you and when she just thinks of you as a friend or a “nice” or “cool” guy.
What makes it even tougher is there’s usually a bunch of bogus stuff on various websites flying around on this subject written by guys who have little or no real experience with women OR by women who aren’t able to see and understand their own “wiring” or unconscious behavior around guys.
Women who don’t communicate that they are unable to dig deep down into their own mind and understand their own primal behavior on a deep level. A lot of the advice they provide is nice, sparkly, and romantic – but it’s not real world advice that actually works and helps you get the results you’re looking for.
And the only thing the guys may have REAL experience with is reading books and articles, watching videos, or attending seminars. They don’t have enough experience to really understand how women’s minds work, how attraction works, and most importantly – why things work the way they do.
They can’t provide the type of advice and solutions that we ACTUALLY WANT AND NEED!
So the following 20 things that you’re about to read, I’ve learned from stone cold experience with women.
I’ve tested and observed this stuff time and time again and it’s the real deal.
Yes – a lot of them are common sense… but common sense isn’t so common today!
I’m not going to get into the “if she’s touching her hair she likes you” or “looking to her left means she likes you” type stuff because I don’t believe that’s entirely accurate nor does it apply to all women.
We all have weird habits and quirks so it’s hard to come to conclusions from such extreme examples of specific behavior.
I’ve personally never noticed a definite and predictable pattern with that stuff – and I’ve seen it hundreds of times.
There’s only one thing I have noticed for sure and that’s if she’s touching your wiener, she either likes you, is a doctor, or both.
If both, you might want to keep her around cause that might be fun.
So besides that, here’s 10 ways to know if she actually does like you and 10 ways to be pretty sure she unfortunately isn’t into you.
Ok so let’s go…
10 Signs She’s Interested In You
- She Enjoys Talking to You
she likes you if she talks to you
This can be tricky because some women like talking to you because they’re nice, sweet, and polite.
Others who aren’t as sweet and polite will enjoy talking to you because they’re genuinely interested in you.
There’s a difference.
One woman that I dated and am still friends with is beautiful, very friendly, and it creates problems for her because a lot of men mistake this as her hitting on them or being really into them.
Really pay attention to if she’s just being nice or if she’s actually showing you more attention than what seems normal.
But the obvious thing is that if she’s SPENDING A LOT OF HER TIME having a conversation with you and you notice it’s a pattern, then she’s investing her time IN YOU when she could be spending it doing something else.
You can more than likely come to the conclusion that she likes you and is interested.
Again, pay close attention, notice the pattern, and learn to tell the difference between her being friendly and more than friendly.
It’s pretty noticeable when she’s chatting with you just to be polite and when she’s actually interested and practically hanging all over you.
- She Calls or Texts You FIRST
signs she's into you
This is HUGE.
When you are on her mind, she’ll let you know and make it obvious.
Most women don’t call or text a guy because they’re bored.
They actually think ahead and if they’re not into him, they sometimes are afraid of giving him the wrong idea.
And if she is bored, and she texts or calls YOU, then she is definitely thinking about getting in those whitey tighties!
Side note: If you actually do wear whitey tighties, it’s time to grow up and switch to some boxers or briefs – you’re welcome.
Think about it – she has so many other things she can be doing!
But instead, she’s reaching out and initiating the interaction with YOU.
Only a woman who is interested in you is going to do that.
OR she’s insanely bored and you’re her only friend.
- She Touches You
Let’s just put it this way – if she doesn’t like you, she IS NOT going to physically place any part of her body on yours…
Not even her fingers!
A big sign that tells you “you’re in” is she’ll get physical with you either by pushing you, rubbing you, getting close to you, or simply touching you.
Women are very sensitive to touch and when some creepy weird guy bumps into her or touches her, she’s going to shriek and lose her damn mind.
So if she is the one putting her sexy little hands on you, then you know she’s interested and not afraid to make it noticeable.
- She Tells You You’re Being a “Stranger”
signs she likes you
A woman accusing you of being a “stranger” is telling you that she kinda wishes you communicated and interacted with her more.
She secretly wishes she was a little bit closer to you…
Why would she want that?
Because you’re awesome and she’s diggin’ ya man!
She’s not going to say this to a dude who gets on her nerves and she can’t stand.
Think about it…
If she’s asking you why you’re being a stranger, she’s been thinking about you, noticing you, and probably being a little creeper while you’re not looking!
She’s not going to go out of her way for someone she’s not into.
- She Talks To You All the Time
signs she's interested
As I said before, if she’s not interested, you’re not going to hear from her ALL THE TIME.
But since she likes to communicate with you pretty damn often, it’s a definite indicator that you have something she likes and wants!
As you’ll learn in How to Quit Being a Loser With Women, Women can be like cats and when they like you, it’s tough to get ’em to leave you alone!
They will bug the hell out of you until you give them some attention.
If you notice she’s always available, always communicating with you, and always happy to see and talk to you, then you know she might be wanting some of that man meat.
- She Makes It Clear She’s Single or Available
I’ve learned from meeting and interacting with A LOT of women that she will MAKE IT KNOWN if she’s being tied down by a man at the moment or not.
She wants to make sure that you’re not thinking she has a boyfriend and if you are thinking it, she wants to make sure you’re clear that she’s single and available.
She’ll say things like, “Nope. 100% single. No man here.” or “Yea since I don’t have a boyfriend.” or “I’m not dating anyone…”
When she throws it out there like a pitcher for you to catch it, it’s almost GUARANTEED she wants some of what big daddy is cookin’!
- She Asks a Lot of Personal Questions
If she’s not interested, she won’t give a damn to know anything about you because it’s really not worth her time.
With a guy who she wants to know more about and get to know better, she’s going to ask him personal questions or questions about himself to learn more about him and see if he’s the type of guy she’s looking for or wants.
As guys, we’re able to clear our mind, zone out, and tune out everything around us.
Women have a much harder time doing this.
So with all of the stuff bouncing around in her mind at all times of the day, if she finds the time and energy to dig into your life and find out what you’re about, then it’s a great sign.
When the questions are flying, she probably has her sights set on you.
- You Catch Her Staring Hard or Looking Intently
staring means she likes you
A lot of women have a bad habit of staring and becoming completely unaware that they’re doing it.
They zone out, their mind goes to some other place, and they become full of thoughts while they’re looking at you.
You think she’s gonna stare intently at a dude she’s not interested in?
No way!
When you catch her staring, it’s probably because you’re a tall glass of tasty water and mama is thirsty!
- She Doesn’t Keep Her Distance
There’s this thing called “personal space” that many of us love and appreciate.
Maybe you’ve heard of it…
Maybe some stinky breath person has invaded your personal space and ruined your day.
When she likes you, there’s a good chance she’ll forget about this awesome thing called “personal space” and if she’s super hot, it can be awesome that she’s invading it.
A woman who doesn’t like you isn’t going to cross that invisible boundary with you and she’s DEFINITELY going to notice when you invade her personal space.
- She Teases and/or Compliments You
When little boys like little girls and vise versa, they tease each other, pull each other’s hair, chase each other around, and so on.
We still do this even in adulthood – only in a more sophisticated manner.
If she’s crackin’ jokes, picking at you, poking you, and teasing you politely, she’s probably or definitely interested.
I make fun of girls and crack jokes on them all the time if I’m into them.
We do it to our co-workers, family members, friends, and even people we just met!
If we’re giving them a hard time, it means we like them.
Weird how that works huh?
She can be a pain in the ass too to show she’s interested.
Actually, the more she likes you, the worse she can be!
Also, women don’t dish out many compliments from what I’ve seen.
Especially the ones who are receiving all the compliments.
If she’s dishing them out, take em!
Teasing and compliments are a definite sign that she’s attempting to get somewhere with you.
- She Makes Lots of Eye Contact With You
interested eye contact
When she likes you and is interested, she’s going to make lots of eye contact.
Not only is she naturally and unconsciously doing it, but she also wants to look into your eyes to make sure she has your attention.
She wants to be sure you’re noticing her.
Women naturally avoid lots of eye contact with men they’re not into so if you notice she’s always looking into your eyes, more than women usually do, then something about you is catching her attention.
When she wants your attention, she will WANT you to make lots of eye contact with her.
10 Signs She’s NOT Interested
10 signs she's interested and not interested
- She Avoids You
If she seems to go the other direction when you’re walking her way or she acts as if you’re not even there, she might be trying to dodge you or avoid you.
If she was interested or she just didn’t feel one way or the other about you, she wouldn’t go out of her way to keep her distance.
- She Never Texts or Calls Back
ignoring phone
Super obvious…
If she doesn’t call or text you back, then you can kind of guess what’s going on with her.
It’s not “Oh maybe she lost her phone”, “maybe she isn’t getting my messages”, or “she’ll get back to me when she’s not busy”.
Don’t kid yourself.
If she’s interested, she is going to find the time and means TO GET BACK TO YOU because she’s also worried YOU might lose interest in HER if she doesn’t!
Learn to see the obvious signs and don’t second guess yourself.
If it LOOKS like she’s losing interest or just not interested, you’re probably right.
- She Keeps Her Distance
Remember that personal space thing?
If she keeps her distance and REALLY respects your personal space, then she might not be interested in what you’re offering.
Women enjoy closeness and comfort with a guy they like so it’s not a great sign if you’re not seeing it.
- She Doesn’t Seem to Enjoy Talking to You
she doesn't enjoy talking to you
Maybe her eyes keep darting around the room.
Maybe she’s looking around, looking at her watch, playing with her phone, or just straight up seems disinterested.
If you can see it and maybe feel it in your gut that she’s interested in everything but you, then you should probably end the conversation right there and save some time.
- She Makes It Known She’s Taken
If she gets even an inkling of a feeling that you’re trying to hit on her and she isn’t digging it, she’ll MAKE IT KNOWN she’s taken.
Or she’ll lie about it just to make sure you know your role.
If she’s interested BUT she has a boyfriend, she’ll all of a sudden come down with amnesia and forget to mention him.
- She Doesn’t Care to Know Anything About You
Like I said earlier, If she’s thinking about getting some of your “Chimichanga”, she’ll ask personal questions about you and look interested as you answer.
If you don’t notice this happening, there’s a huge chance that you’re not the guy she’s looking for.
- She Stares At Other Guys
I don’t know how much clearer it gets than when she is obviously checking other dudes out on purpose.
When she’s into you, she seems to forget who else is in the room and it becomes about just YOU and HER.
If she notices that there are definitely other pieces of meat walking around that look more appealing, then she may not have her eyes set on you.
- She’s Disconnected – Her Mind Is Somewhere Else When Talking To You
distracted if shes not interested
When she’s interested in getting to know you, she’s engaged and present.
She’s focused on what you’re saying, how you’re saying it, and where you’re going with it.
If you don’t see this happening, or she’s disconnected from the interaction altogether, maybe she doesn’t want a slice of your man pie.
- She Doesn’t Touch You
Now this one is “iffy” because there are women out there who are just too shy or not comfortable touching you yet.
Some women are afraid they may scare you off if they start getting all touchy “feely”.
- She Doesn’t Invite You Anywhere
Many women go out and do a lot of fun stuff.
When they like a guy, they usually drag his ass along with them.
If she goes out, has fun, and never mentions anything about you tagging along or meeting up with her, then you might want to forget the idea that she’s really into you.
If she likes you, she’ll always want to include you in the stuff she has going on.
If she’s into you, she’ll always want her friends to meet you and approve of you.
So if it isn’t clearly obvious to you, if it walks and quacks like a duck, it might be a girl interested in you.
But if it doesn’t, then she might not be interested.
Just use your brain, open your eyes, pay attention, and use common sense when interacting with her.
Women aren’t insane algorithm robots that we have to decode and decipher.
They’re normal human beings like me and you shouldn’t have to over complicate things when attempting to figure out if she’s into you or not.
Thanks for reading,
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