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RE: Would You Die for Love?

in #relationship8 years ago

"I have also realized that those who find it so easy to say I will die for you are the very ones who chicken out when the time comes to put actions into words."

I think that's probably it, people who say this like it's a no-brainer (not always, but in general) are probably compensating for something.

The problem with questions like this is that they aren't realistic. It isn't a part of our reality that you ever get the choice of who gets to live. (There are times where you need to defend somebody. But even the extreme-- and totally rare-- case of diving in front of a bullet for someone, it's still not a guarantee that you're going to die from it. Nor does it seem like you're guaranteed to be safe if you don't. There's never a clean decision of which one of you lives and which one dies.)

It's like " can only do one thing, jump into the lake and save the drowning baby, or open the treasure chest with $10million in it, which would you choose!?!?"

It isn't a situation we were ever faced with as we evolved to this point, and it isn't realistic that it would ever come up.

I do think some people probably genuinely mean it when they say they would die for someone else. I just don't think it's a useful thing to be concerned with (and agree that it's silly for that person to have rifted their relationship because of it).