Alright... Being a young woman with enough self-confidence and moderate levels of self-respect I can say that I would go for the guy exhibiting everything relayed in point 4 and 5 only if I was very keen to get laid. Once. if I am very tipsy. After that I would probably not be too keen for him to ever catch my eye again. And this would be a serious pain if we work in the same office.
Don't get me wrong, the first 3 arguments were on point and absolutely out there. However, I believe that in order to survive as species modern men really need to be smarter than 'Acting as if they are very interested'. People, honestly.... I think if anything, women are very intuitive creatures, which means that the second you start faking your interest in her all females in your office will now about this (we love our gossip, remember?).
At the same time, if you actually talk to her briefly at work or before the lecture, you will most likely not come across as a prick. On this note, I do wonder what kind of moves does the author suggest that will have you facing sexual harassment charges... Be nice, be friendly, be brief, don’t touch her hair, but do be interested and attentive. Notice if she needs any help with anything and again briefly assist with that. Woman are the weaker sex, particularly modern women.
What this will do is it will put you way ahead of the competition (you’d be surprised how few men get this, and again, even if I don’t like the guy, I will still totally appreciate him being like that). Don’t go all Robin Hood on anyone, be smart. And if the girl does not like you or flashed a wedding band in your face, she will deffo tell her girlies how awesome you are… Remember, we love our gossip ;)