Hacks To Have Success In Your Relationship

in #relationship9 years ago

To sustain a relationship, love is without a doubt, one of the most important aspects to be considered. But, is it enough to become loving and trusted partner for a lifetime.

It is always about “we” and “us"

Whenever you are referring yourself and your partner as “we”, you are considering the both of you as a single entity. I have been using more of “us” and “we”, rather than “I” or “me”, and trust me, our relationship has naturally got enhanced to a next level. In fact, according to the study conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, couples using more of “we” and “us” see, to be happier, calmer and more contented in their relationships.

Understanding the ups and downs in relationships

You simply expect your relationship to have happy times 365 days. There are scores of disappointments, and as a couple, you both have to be communicative enough to understand each other better. You may not always see eye to eye on everything. He/she may do things you can't stand.
On some days you may want to punch them in the face.
This is pretty normal! Don't expect it to be perfect all the time, Or you will be in for a disapointment.

This is particularly vital for those in a long distance relationship. The lack of physical presence is the greatest disadvantage, but you have to maintain your positive attitude.

Explore new things together

Often due to our hectic schedule, we try to get bored of our routine and our relationship gets the maximum hit.
In order to bring new spice in your relationship, you can try out exploring new places, involve in new activities and laugh out together, do silly things that take you back to your childhood days. Trying out new avenues helps you to jazz up the relationship and also bring a sense of excitement.

Often time relationships end out of boredom, Unless you are dating someone who is completely against trying new things, This doesn't need to happen.

Show gratitude

Once you feel grateful and thankful for every small thing that your partner does and says, your relationship will grow and blossom. It has been revealed that gratitude helps in reducing the hatred and feelings of pain since your focus is more on the positive attributes of your partner.

According to a study, by Rita Watson of Yale University, a three-day gratitude plan was held, where 77 couples participated. At the end of the session, the couples felt more positive about their partner. Positive feelings, no doubt, helps in retaining the relationship for a lifetime.

As a couple, you also need to understand your partner’s likes, dislikes and know him/her as a person by spending quality time whenever possible.

These are pretty basic tips on keeping your relationship going, But so many people neglect them or forget about these things. You sometimes will see married couples who are so unhappy! And you see how they gave up on trying and stopped appreciating each other. It gets to the point, they never try new things together either. It's really sad, Because the simplest thing can help revive their relationship so they can be happy again.

Thank you Morguefile For the pretty pictures!


Never allow negativity into your relationship. Try to be as clear and transparent with each other and make it an effort, both of you, to try to solve issues honestly. The moment negativity tries to set in, try to reject it and never allow that ever in your relationship. Great post as always Kaylin. I'm guessing that's your real name and calling you that from now on-wards :)

Im voting this up. Im currently going through a break up from a long term relationship. From what I learned during that and information like this, hopefully my next one will be healthy!

Thanks kaylin! :)

To whoever is interest, I wrote an article about dealing with break ups here. https://steemit.com/life/@mrkuujo/dealing-with-a-break-up-moving-on

just thought it would be fitting for the whole relationship topic :)

I hope so! Good luck with your next one :)

My husband and I have a great relationship because we have the ability to communicate with each other. It's not perfect. We're not perfect but we're perfect for each other, and that's what counts. Sometimes we do the little things that keep each other happy. In his case, he loves back scratches. I love a clean kitchen. LOL When we do that for each other, it's like gold. Knowing what make the other ticks is definitely helpful - but can also be used for a dirty fight. We try not to go there :)

LOL! I love this! It's so true "We're not perfect, But we're perfect for each other" beautiful!

Enjoy the beautiful moments of togetherness...cherish the sweetness and discard the sourness...Life is good and very beautiful...together taste and make it bright.

Love this comment very beautiful.

Both look beautiful together...remind me of when I was young...love does not seek to be old as it grows by years but never loses the flavor...love grows by years not by age...keep smiling.

"Cherish the sweetness and discard the sourness". That is very true.

Showing appreciation, affection, empathy, and knowing how to be playful and silly with each other has been incredibly valuable to my relationship. If the two of you can still tap into your inner child and let them play with each other, you're solid. :)

It's so true! I love this comment so much hehe.

Don't forget to touch each other. It's THE neurobiological hack ever. Because when you touch another person, gently of course and willingly (not on the subway by accident...), your brain and the brain of your partner both distribute Oxytocin.

These days people break up over the smallest relationship problems. Work hard for each other.

It's true! Things happen good and bad, If you love each other, You need to do whatever it takes to stay together. It's one thing if your personalities aren't compatible. But other things can be worked out.

Money is one thing, happiness is something, family is a special thing and peace of mind is evrything. There no exact thing or prescription of being because everyday is different but being with someone whom you can rely with can be satisfying.

True! I agree, But there are some tips that can help the bulk of the population.

I think we enter in a relationship to accomplish some mutual goals, and to sustain the relationship, those goals need to still be valid.

For example, typically a male and female join to procreate a family and offspring. Ideally this goal would never sunset, because the kids will be still be part of the goals of the parents until death do they finally part. And even the parents care becomes the goal of the kids later on. But the government has so fucked up the nuclear family and the education system, this is often not the outcome any more. It is a tragedy and western civilization will collapse and give way to conservative Asia because of this.

Other possible goals include two very smart people supporting each other's education and creative production, and in my case for example I read that older men live 10 years younger and longer if they marry a younger woman, and I love sports, so I figure the right person would push me and inspire me to stay young.

Framing gratitude and inspirational words in the context of the ongoing mutual goal, keeps both of you focused on the overriding positive of your relationship. Love is the positive reinforcement signal our body is chemically giving us to spur us on towards our evolutionary strategy. If we harness that in mutual goals, then we can sustain it.