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RE: Miss. Opinionated : Guys that grind my gears!

in #relationship8 years ago (edited)

:( deletes developer blog

Just kidding, LOL, never doing that :D, I get what you're saying about the gaming thing, yeah, it's all about moderation. That being said, I am obsessive when it comes to games development because I want to build games that just don't get any attention anymore, it's also something I wanted to do since my childhood, like shooters without shitty cover mechanics and regenerating health.

I think in particular with the gaming thing is that these are the effects of guys who simply haven't been able to accomplish much in their life so they've clearly latched onto stuff that's more easy to achieve. They of course fail to realise that if you want to be productive in life and actually make something or earn something you've got to work like hell to get it. I got into the MMORPG trap for awhile but got out of it again when I got more and more irritated with the games themselves but even then I wasn't that bad, just like with the insecure guy in your description of them it looks like these are all people that just have issues they need working out.


What you're doing is a far cry from what i'm describing though. Building games is a very productive use of time which combines your enjoyment of playing them, as well as offering value to other people too. Its a completely viable career which I highly respect. I'm really just pointing fingers at the people who play games as a way to avoid real life responsibility.

Yeah, I get what you're saying, with the way society is right now though I honestly can't blame them sometimes :( if you remember my post about dating girls in the UK that's what I'm thinking of, it makes me want to just hide and play computer games as well.

I get it might be very frustrating in some areas when dealing with guys, I just think it's worth putting things in context of what other guys are dealing with which, let's be honest, a lot of girls won't get from their perspective.

Actually, I just realised something, have you ever heard of Christina Hoff Sommers and so on? There's a very good interview she does on stuff like this and explains where it all comes from.

Can't remember if I showed you it before, this particular interview goes on about gamergate and gamers in general but there are other videos and so on she does where she explains exactly why men are just withdrawing from society and playing games or watching porn.

I'll see if i can find it, because it's actually pretty interesting, Milo Yiannopoulos wrote an article awhile back that I just remembered about, he's a bit hyperbolic in his writing and responses compared to Christina ( He's a major troll :P ) but he does bring up some good points about this sort of thing regardless.

Again, just thought you might find all of this interesting, because like with me, I think a lot of your own experiences are happening because of what's happening in society generally.