Help!! Living together with a short-tempered Latina: experiences and tips (from a Dutch guy)

in #relationship9 years ago

 For more than one year I have been doing this now. A year full of passion, sweet mellow nights and heavy arguments. A relationship with a Latina is full of surprises, always varying and never boring.

Latin-America is known as a continent with a colorful people, that have their tongue on the sleeve, do not hold their emotions inside and live their life with passion.

Frankly, I am generalizing now, but after having spoken with many Americans, Canadians and North Europeans I can assume that Latin-Americans differ from Westerners.  And after having lived among them for almost 1.5 year, I can tell you: They are far more emotional than us cool-headed westerners.

The downside of these colorful characteristics is that they emerge dramatically in a relationship. When I started living with my Argentine girlfriend I was totally not prepared for dealing with emotional outbursts and arguments that reminds me of the fights with my little sister. So I started thinking: how could I avoid these situations? And if I face them, how can I cope with them? As time passed by, I have created a strategy, that I would like to share with you, dear Steemers. Here are some tips:


1.) Think about her all the time
My girlfriend and I had many arguments about things that I forgot to buy. When I went to the supermarket she told me to bring tomatoes, but unfortunately I simply forgot them. Back home, a hell of an outburst came over me! Not because of the tomatoes but because "I never thought about her". So be aware that you always think about her, in everything that you do. Never think about what is in your interest, but rather think: “What is in OUR interest?” Oh, and bear her favorite ice-cream flavor for always in your mind, otherwise it can cost you your Saturday night!  

2.) Do not make her jealous
Latinas are notorious for their jealously. There is, for example, no way that a Latina let you go to a club without her. Only the thought of you drinking and dancing among attractive women makes her crazy. In this light, you neither should talk about other women: That pretty colleague in your office who made a marvelous sales deal today. Or your new job coach who is adored by everybody on your team.  Tell it your friends, not her. And please, if you see a good looking lady walking in the street, keep your head down and direct all your attention to your girlfriend!

3.) Set clear appointments
Latinas do not like the idea that their boyfriend go out alone. (See #2.) If you aim to go out, then make clear appointments about where you go to, the time you go home and who you are going out with. Also very important: do not switch your phone off! If you do not keep this in mind, you take the risk that you will not just be ignored for a couple of hours (like Dutch girls would do), no, she will make your life impossible for the rest of the month. Fingers crossed!

4.) Dealing with outbursts
To be honestly, I still do not know how to handle my girlfriend's emotional outbursts. I tried it the Zen-way, because action provokes reaction, but that makes her only more furious. Dear Steemers, I invite you to leave a comment on this. What do you think?

I hope some of my tips could be useful for you. My last advice: whatever happens, never give up. Because when your Latina lies next to you, showing all her affection by embracing and kissing you, and whispering sweet things in your ear, you realize: maybe it is difficult sometimes, but it is all worth it.