Warning : Bad Break-up ! This Advice Can Help You !

Warning : Bad Break-up ! This Advice Can Help You ! 


We all been through break-ups , I been through some many I can't even count. Each relationship is a learning experience it truly is. Here is what I've learn from countless relationships that can help you even through the worst break-up. The first thing that I learned is you wanna surround yourself with people that love and care for you. That may seem obvious but most people don't even think about that. Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. So if you had a terrible break-up you wanna be be surrounded by people who love you. Another thing that you wanna know is that time heal's all wounds and it's a cliche that's often said by many people but its true. For example I met a beautiful girl we liked each other and dated for some time and for a reason or another she broke up with me . I was devastated at first but over time I met someone even better who made me smile and laugh like no other .

Lastly something that you should know is that there is plenty of fish in the sea no matter what you like. You will always find that special someone and when you do take this break-up as a learning experience. Failure is a apart of our learning process and failing in a previous relationship can give you a learning curve. Here is an exercise that I've learned that helps really well with getting over your ex. Grab a rubber band put it around your hand and wear it like a bracelet and whenever you start thinking about your ex . Pull that string back and hit yourself. It maybe a extreme method but hell it works.

So I hope this advice help :D

Stay Classy Steemit


-Your Pal Jon